1 | hold with right hand, kick with inside of right foot to
attackers right shin
2 | hold with left, front kick to base of knee-cap
3 | hold with right, hook kick behind knee
4 | hold with left, roundhouse to inside centre of thigh
5 | hold with right, side kick to base of ribs
6 | hold with right, side kick to armpit
7 | hold with left, roundhouse to head
8 | hold with left, roundhouse to heart
9 | hold with left, front kick to bladder
10 | hold with left, front kick to diaphragm
11 | hold with left, front kick to throat
12 | hold with right, outside crescent kick while transferring
hold to left
13 | hold with left, inside crescent kick while transferring
hold to right, drop grip, spin anti-clockwise and repeat crescent kick
14 | inside block with right forearm, high wheel kick
15 | inside block with right foream, drop into floor-level
spinning sweep