[SulKiDo] [Korean] [Syllabus] [Grading]

Son Mok Soo

These are a set of 11 techniques which form part of the deputy green belt grading.

Each technique starts from an initial position of defender and opponent standing facing each other. The attacker grabs the defenders right wrist with their left hand.
1 Dummy with right hand inwards then swing out anti-clockwise in a large circle, grasp opponents left hand with your left hand (fingers onto their palm) and use right knife-hand to apply pressure (or break) to their thumb. Continue motion pulling their left arm down, at end use right knife-hand to deliver strike to elbow.
2 Supinate right hand inwards, grasp opponents left hand with your left hand and continue twist. Push opponent's hand to force their elbow into their stomach, then pull back (still twisting) to throw them.
3 Step diagonally forwards and outwards with right foot while pushing/folding opponents left elbow with your left hand. Step through and kneel with left foot whilst locking hand behind their back to force opponent into a twisting breakfall to their left (move your right leg behind them).
4 Step diagonally forwards and outwards with right foot while hooking right thumb anti-clockwise around opponents left wrist. Step back with right, grasp their left wrist with your left hand then step forward again with right foot. Step through and kneel with left whilst pulling hand downwards to force opponent into a twisting breakfall to their left (move your right leg behind them).
5 Step diagonally forwards/right with left foot whilst pivoting right hand towards own body and taking opponents left wrist with your left hand. Twist right hand free and use right elbow to deliver a strike to opponents left elbow. Bring right foot through so that you are parallel to opponent and, wrapping right arm around their waist, perform a hip throw.
6 Step forwards with right foot just past parallel with opponent whilst using left arm to deliver a reverse knife hand strike to their throat. Right hand grasps their left wrist and pushes it backwards. Bring left foot through gap between yourself and opponent, wrap left arm around their waist and perform reverse hip throw.
7 Step diagonally forwards/right with left foot whilst pivoting right hand towards own body and taking opponents left wrist with your left hand. Bring right foot through so you are parallel to opponent taking their left hand with your right hand and swinging their arm so it is above your right shoulder with the point of the elbow down. Pull down on their wrist to apply pressure to the elbow.
8 Step forwards with right pushing their left hand back and up in a large circular motion with your right arm. Hook left hand around the left side of their neck and pull their head down into a strike with your left knee.
9 Step diagonally forwards/right with left foot, grab their left wrist with your left hand and supinate your right hand to escape. Use right hand to push their left elbow towards the centre line of their body and step with right foot to pivot anti-clockwise under their arm. Use pressure on wrist and elbow to force opponent into a back breakfall.
10 Step diagonally forwards/right with left foot whilst pivoting right hand towards own body and taking opponents left wrist with your left hand. Step forward into a horse stance placing your right foot behind their left. Raise their left arm and deliver right elbow strike to solar plexus, lower their left arm and deliver right elbow strike to chin. Wrap right arm clockwise around their left arm, grasping your left wrist. Twist backwards/left to force opponent into back breakfall.
11 Dummy in with right then circle arm anti-clockwise, grabbing their left hand and locking it against your right wrist as early as possible. Continue swing till both your arms are centred in front of your body and grasp their left wrist with your right hand. Apply a wrist lock using forwards rotational pressure.