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Club News

December 5th 2001

October 31st 2001

  • Bonfire Party, Saturday 3rd November. Juniors' & parents' Halloween party from 5.30 to 7.30 tickets, available from Ian Smith or the club bar, £3 to include soup etc, fireworks. fancy dress for Halloween. Seniors, from 8.00pm, beer £1 a pint from 8.00 to 9.00. Tickets £5 from Ian Deabill Jacket spuds, firework display.

October 24th 2001

  • The next quiz night is on Wednesday 25th October.  Questions start at 8.30pm. Questions by "The Bar Boyz"  Teams of 5.  £1 entry. Cash prize to winning team.

September 12th 2001

  • Boat Naming Ceremony, Saturday 15 September, 2001

    Hazel Cox, widow of Colin Cox, will name the club's new women's coxed four Colin T Cox at 7.15 pm during the reception preceding the Annual Dinner. An open invitation is extended to all members of the club and all those who knew 'Cocker', as he was affectionately known. 

    For those of you who didn't know Cocker, here's a little bit about his life. He spent his childhood within a couple of hundred metres of the Isis so it was quite natural that he would get involved in a water sport. A true local lad, he first got involved in rowing at about ten years of age, approximately 1953, when he joined Falcon Rowing Club as a cox quickly becoming their first crew cox. Whilst coxing he also started sculling, like all other local coxes, during the school summer holidays. He eventually progressed to rowing and remained with Falcon for several years until, to gain more competitive racing, he moved on to Abingdon Rowing Club. He stayed with Abingdon until the formation of the present CORC in 1968 when he decided to return to the Isis. In both rowing and sculling he performed at the top level, and this continued into the Veteran rowing scene where he participated in not only national but international events including Spain, France, Germany, Yugoslavia, Hungary Holland and Canada to name a few. Colin was a Club Captain of CORC, coached many crews over the years, mainly women's crews and also became an ARA Umpire, his way of helping the sport which had given him so much. He worked in Oxford area for the local water board and the car works until he succeeded in getting a job that also encompassed his love of rowing and messing with boats; he became a College Waterman for Oriel, Queens and Lincoln, and also assisted Osler. This also inspired him to construct boats. He built sculling boats and pairs over the years, some of which he enjoyed being in or watching going first over the finishing line at regattas.  Over the years, many oarspersons benefited from the Colin's experience. Where ever the rowing event you were at, either home or abroad, you could be sure that some one would approach him and recall the days when Colin had either coached, acted as waterman or had rowed with them. Cocker was a true friend and sportsman. After his death Oriel College quickly named their new boat after him and Queens College erected a memorial at the finish point of the Summer Eight's. Both Town and Gown have a great memories of Cocker. 

    Please come along on Saturday at around 7pm, whether you're going to the dinner or not.

  • Women's Squad: 2001-02 Season Information Meetings will be held on both Wednesday the 12th of September, and Wednesday the 26th of September (for those who cannot make it to the 12th) at 9pm in the bar at the City of Oxford Rowing Club. Rowers of all levels are very welcome to attend either of these evenings or contact the Women's Captain, Ailsa Thom by email; or on 07941 626808 with any queries about Women's Rowing at CORC.

August 21st 2001

  • At Captains' Night on 15th August, Amy Jackson was elected Club for the 2001/02 season. Richard Allen was elected Men's Captain and Ailsa Thom was elected Women's Captain.

July 26th 2001

  • Inaugural Great CORC Treasure Hunt, on Saturday 4th August starting 6pm at the clubhouse.

    Fancy yourself as a clue-solving, scavenger-hunting, lateral-thinking, beer-drinking (optional), local expert (also optional)? Well come on down to the CORC clubhouse on Saturday  August 4th for a challenging treasure hunt around Iffley and surrounds. All welcome. Prizes for the highest number of correct answers and souvenir items collected (and a special one for the most imaginative team name). BBQ at club afterwards, music provided by MC Mac.

June 18th 2001

On Saturday 23 June 2001:

A Mexican Night At The Races

We’ll give you £100 to bet on horse races from days gone by

 Prize for the overall winner

Price includes a 2-course meal cooked by our resident Mexican chef!

£8 per person       

Meal served from 8pm, first race at 9pm

CORC Boathouse

Profits towards:
The Men’s Squad Development Fund

May 21st 2001

  • Beginners course - option 2 - "Parents"
    This course is aimed at those people wishing to get a good taste of rowing but have limited time available during the week.  As with the standard course there are 12 professionally coached sessions however these are spread over 12 weeks.   The sessions are held on Friday evenings at 7.30pm, and will finish at approximately 9pm, or when it gets too dark.  The bar will be open afterwards too!  Some of the sessions will be held at a rowing tank so that you can learn the basics before getting out onto the water in a wobbly boat.
    The next "parents" course starts on Friday 1 June.  Email or phone the captain, Jolyon Tidmarsh ( to register for a place. Details.
  • The next quiz night is on Wednesday 23rd May. Questions start at 8.30pm in the bar. Teams of 5.  £1 entry. Cash prize to winning team.

  • April 7th 2001

    • Annual CORC Whacky Races will be preceded by a party on Sunday 6th May starting at 8.00 pm, during which the draw will be held. The races will be held on Bank Holiday Monday 7th May (Bank Holiday), starting at 10.00 am. Details.

    March 31st 2001

    • RYA Level II Launch Driving Course
      The Thames Rowing Council is a organizing a two-day RYA boat handling course to be run on two consecutive Saturdays. The course is aimed at anyone who might drive a launch at Regattas or Processional Races. The region is willing to provide a 50% subsidy towards the cost of this course, up to a limit of £2500. If there is sufficient interest, a course will be run in Putney this summer at a cost of £150 less £75 subsidy. The dates will be decided in consultation with registered participants.
      Oxford City Royal Regatta has been invited to nominate individuals for this course. If anyone is interested, please let Paul Azzopard ( know by 12th April, at the latest.

    March 23nd 2001

    • Foot and Mouth. ARA guidelines; MAFF updatesinfected area (Oxford) and restrictions; Environment Agency guidelines; Chief Veterinary Officer's guidance.

    • Coaching training subsidies for CORC members
      CORC wishes to increase the level of coaching expertise available to the club. To this end we offer subsidized places on ARA approved coaching courses, which all club members are entitled to apply for. We currently have two schemes available. 

      Full subsidy. We will pay 100% of the course fees for one applicant every calendar year. This is typically targeted at coaches taking their Bronze award, or higher, since these courses typically cost upwards of £300.

      Part subsidy. CORC will pay 50% of the course fees for any applicant who wishes to do a coaching course. This includes any relevant course such as weightlifting, or motor launch driving.  Currently there is no limit to the number of places available. A typical course would be the Instructor's Award which normally costs £120 and would now cost a CORC member £60.

      The first major coaching qualification is the Instructor's Award.  It is our aim to run at least one Instructor's Award course every year. Due to the cost of running the course, it will be arranged as and when sufficient members have registered their interest. Typically we would aim to hold the course in September or early October.

      If you wish to register for a course or subsidized place, please contact the captain,
      Jolyon Tidmarsh, Tel. 01865 432453 (H) or 01235 827233 (W).

    March 22nd 2001

    • Watch the 147th Boat Race on Saturday 24 March 2001 at 1.30 pm in the CORC bar. Bar opens at 12.30 pm. Goldie vs Isis at 1.00 pm. 28" TV hired for the occasion.

    • The next quiz night is on Wednesday 18th April.  Questions start at 8.30pm. Questions by "The Bar Boyz"  Teams of 5.  £1 entry. Cash prize to winning team.

    • The annual CORC Whacky Races will be held on Monday 7 May (Bank Holiday). This day of novelty racing starts at 10.00 am when the crews will be drawn at random from two pots - Crews will consist of two experienced rowers and two novices, so you do not require any previous experience! The racing starts at 10.30.  Event is open to all (as long as you can swim 100m in light clothing). £1 entry fee. Bar open from 11.00 am. Food available. Bring a change of clothes - you will probably get wet!

    • The new membership directory is now online. Access restricted to password holders. See Members Only page for details.

    March 19th 2001

    • The revised date for the AGM is Wednesday 25th April, starting at 8.30 pm in the CORC bar. On the agenda will be a proposal to adopt the new constitution.

    February 10th 2001

    • There will be a Bar Quiz Night hosted by the Novice Squad on 21st February 2001.

    • There will be a meeting to update members on progress with plans for the new Riverside Development on 28th February in the Bar.

    • The AGM will be held on 4th April. On the agenda will be a proposal to adopt the new constitution (including amendments affecting Juniors' status).

    January 15th 2001

    • There will be a meeting to update members on progress with plans for the new Water Sports Centre on Wednesday 17th January, at 8.00 pm in the club bar. This will be followed by: 01865 435548 (H), 0374 676837 (mobile).

    • Quiz night, hosted by the Women's squad, starting at 8.30 pm. Teams of four, £1 entry per person, winners take all!

    • Burns' Night to be celebrated on Saturday 3rd February in the CORC bar. Tickets £20, to include traditional food (Haggis, neeps & tatties), malt whiskies and live music!, from Emma Arnold (Tel. 07967 112586).

    September 14th 2000

    • There will be a pre-season meeting of the men's squad on Wednesday 20th September at 7.30 pm in the bar. All men intending to row at the club in the coming are encouraged to attend. 

      For more information contact the Men's Captain, Geoff Tyrrell, Tel. 01865 435548 (H), 0374 676837 (mobile).

    September 7th 2000

    • An ARA Instructor's Award Course will be held at CORC in October, starting on 6th October 2000, run by Pat Lockley. The programme is as follows:

      Date  Time Details
      06/10/00 7-9 pm CORC: Introduction to the Course and the Sport of Rowing, Administration, and Coaches and the Law.
      07/10/00 7-10.30 pm Headington School Pool: Capsize drill & BLS.
      20/10/00 7-10.00 pm

      CORC: Basic boat adjustments

      21/10/00 9 am-8 pm  Hinksey/CORC:Water safety, sculling technique, on the water sessions, coxing.
      22/10/00 1-4 pm Hinksey: Water sessions.
      27/10/00 1-4 pm  Hinksey: Organising a Caching Session; Fun Regatta.
      28/10/00 1-4 pm Hinksey: Final on the water Assessments.

      The cost is  £120. Applications and enquiries to John Broadhurst, The Barn, Thrupp, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1JY. (Applications must be submitted in writing, accompanied by cheques for the full amount, payable to 'John Broadhurst'.)

    • At Captains' Night on 23rd August 2000, Jolyon Tidmarsh was re-elected Club Captain for the 2000-2001 season; Geoff Tyrell and Lynn Morgan were elected as Men's and Women's Captains respectively.

    July 15th 2000

    • There will be a special CORC meeting to discuss plans for the Oxford River Sport Campus, its aims, management structure, and draft constitution on Wednesday 19th July, at 8.30 pm in the bar. The proposals have wide ranging implications for the future of the club, so all members are urged to attend.

    • Part-time bar staff needed for evenings and Sunday mornings. Contact the Bar Secretary, Sheila Weekes (Tel. 01865 395669), or the Facilities Manager, Tom Rose (Tel. 01865 242576) for details.

    May 12th 2000

    • David Wilson is coordinating entries and travel arrangements for the Head of the Charles in Boston, Mass. 22nd-23rd October. Please contact him soon if you are interested in taking part.

    April 14th 2000

    • The next Bar Quiz Night will be hosted by the Veterans on Wednesday 10th May, 8.30 pm for 9.00 pm.

    April 7th 2000

    • Bumps Party, Saturday 8th April is still going ahead. From 8.00 pm at CORC. Tickets £4, available in advance from  Emma Arnold (Tel. 07967 112586), or at the door.

    • The club has a new online message board. To access the members-only section you must first register with ezboard (costs nothing) and then log in with your ezboard user name and password. The first time you click on Members Only after logging on you will be asked for an access password, which is currently the password you would use to access the draft Constitution from the CORC home page. Contact Paul Azzopardi if you want to know the password.

    April 6th 2000

    • Oxford City Bumping Races, due to be held on Saturday 8th April, have been POSTPONED because flood conditions are forecast for the Isis on Saturday. The Bumps will go ahead in September, at a date to be announced. Entry fees will be refunded in full.

    March 13th 2000

    • Men's Squad Summer Regatta Meeting:

      There will be a meeting next Thursday 23rd March at 20:15 in the gym for
      all those who want race this summer. Please make sure that you attend if
      you want to be involved, or let Charlie Heise know in advance if you can't make it.

    • The next beginners session for will be held on the May Bank Holiday Monday
      at 10am. Any enquires contact the club captain,  Jolyon Tidmarsh  Tel. 01235 827233 (W).

    • Traditional Whacky Races will be held on May Bank Holiday Monday. Scratch fours or eights racing over a 200m course. Friends and family are all welcome to have e a go. Meet up at 10am at the club house. Bring a change of clothes!!

    February 22nd 2000

    • Quiz night on Wednesday 1st March at 8:30 pm in the bar, to be hosted by CORC Ladies.

    February 8th 2000

    • More details of St Valentine's Party on Saturday 19th February from Emma Arnold:

    A cocktail of louche funk and easy listening style...

    For fancy dress inspiration think: Sophia Loren, Steve McQueen, think Austin
    Powers, turtle necks, sports jackets, kitten heels and pencil skirts. Think
    anything 60's.

    @ Club Eight, Saturday 19th February 2000 Grooves from 8pm
    Featuring DJ Kursey (slipping into darkness)

    £5 payable on the door

    February 3rd 2000

    • Valentine's Disco will be held on Saturday 19th February, starting at 8.00 pm. For more details contact Emma Arnold, Tel. 07967 112586.

    January 14th 2000

    • Barbara Wilson has taken over as Acting Secretary, and Amy Jackson has taken on the post of Membership Secretary
    • Tom Rose, a boat-builder by training and a former publican, has been appointed as the Club's full-time Facilities Manager. He is responsible for running the bar, carrying out repairs and maintaining an expanding fleet of racing boats.
    • BAR QUIZ NIGHT!, Wednesday 19th January, questions start at 9.00 pm.
    • There will be an informal lunchtime social on Sunday 30th January at CORC for all city river users
    • The AGM will be held on Wednesday 15th March, starting at 8.00 pm.

    December 7th 1999

    November 25th 1999

    The CORC Christmas Dinner will be held at the Club on Saturday 11th December. The theme will be "Guys and Dolls" (Chicago/Las Vegas Gangster). Tickets £35.


    Terrine of Scottish Salmon wrapped in Smoked Salmon
    Seasonal melon collade

    Main Course
    Tarragon baked chicken breast in mushroom and madeira sauce
    Hot vegetable wellington

    Chocolate Elodie with creme fraiche
    Christmas strudle


    Please send orders to Emma Arnold Tel. 07967 112586, or sign list up at the club house (please do not double- book).

    September 16th 1999

    • Squad meetings for the start-of-season will be held on the following days:

      Beginners Wednesday 29th September 1999 at 8.00 pm in the Bar
      Experienced Men Wednesday 22nd September 1999 at 8.00 pm in the Bar
      Experienced Women Thursday 23d September 1999 at 8.00 pm in the Bar
    • New training times for winter 1999/2000:

      Monday 7.00 pm Circuit training at Westminster College
      Tuesday 7.00 pm Landing training at CORC
      Wednesday 7.00 pm Land training at CORC
      Thursday 7.00 pm Land training at CORC
      Friday Rest
      9.00 am
      11.00 am
      Rowing - Senior squads
      Rowing - Novices
      Sunday 8.15 am
      10.15 am

      11.00 am
      Rowing  - Senior squad (Small boats heads 4 x 2000m)
      Breakfast - Cooked breakfast availabe in the Club Bar
      Rowing - Junior squad and Oxford Adaptive Rowing
      Rowing - Novices

    September 9th 1999

    • Update on Instructors Award Course

      ARA Instructors Award Course will be held at CORC in October, run by Pat Lockley, former ARA Northwest Regional Coaching Development Officer. The programme is as follows:

      Date Start Time Finish Time Details
      Wednesday 6th October 18.30 21.00 Administration and water safety session (i.e. fees, distribution and filling in paperwork, video). COMPULSORY.
      Saturday 9th October   9.00 13.00 Initial water work, water safety videos.
      Sunday 10th October   9.00 17.00

      Rigging theory and assessment

      Tuesday 26th October 18.30  21.30 CPR with Dr Dave
      Saturday 30th October   9.00
      Coaching assessments (practical)
      Pool Session
      Sunday 31st October   9.00  17.00 Finish assessments and wash up (may not be required)

      Cost to non-club members £120; cost to club members £60. A deposit of £30 payable to City of Oxford RC is required to secure a place. Anyone interested should contact the Club Captain, Jolyon Tidmarsh  Tel. 01235 827233 (W).

    September 3rd 1999
    • At Captains' Night  on 1st September 1999, Jolyon Tidmarsh was re-elected Club Captain for the 1999-2000 season; Charlie Heise and Penny Isaacs were elected as Men's and Women's Captains respectively.

    August 26th 1999

    • Message from Nigel Weare. The following prerequisite NCF workshops are being run with rowing coaches in mind:
          Sep 9 Good Practice & Child Protection, Reading RC
          Sep 20 Observation, video & analysis, Surrey Sports Dev Unit
      Please pass on the word to anyone you think may be interested.

    August 24th 1999

    • Captain's night has been postponed 1 week. Elections will now take place on Wednesday 1st September.
    • The provisional dates for the Oxford City Millenium Bumping Races in stern-coxed fours for the Bumping Races Challenge Cup are 8th-9th April 2000.
    • Marlow was the clear winner of the Victor Ludorum with 9 wins at the Oxford City Royal Regatta on Saturday 21st August. City of Oxford RC came second with 5 winsBookham Technology Ltd. 'Chicken' won the Invitation Corporate Eights, and Rachel Lunney won the Invitation Oxford Adaptive Sculls. Some 214 crews from as far afield as Bonn, Leiden and Moscow, as well as several local clubs, raced in 47 events throughout the day. More pictures here (PowerPoint Show | HTML).

    August 6th 1999

    • Captain's elections will be held in the bar on Wednesday 26th August 1999 at 8.30 pm.
    • New bar times:  Mondays and Wednesdays from 7.30 pm to 11.00 pm, and Sunday from 12.00 pm to 3.00 pm.
    • 8 medals won at Banyoles International Masters Regatta (5 Gold, 2 Silver, 1 Bronze), including a Silver medal for Barbar Wilson & Celia Platt in the VetC W2x.

    July 20th 1999

    • ARA Instructors Award Course will be held at CORC in October, run by Pat Lockley, former ARA Northwest Regional Coaching Development Officer. The provisional programme is as follows:

      Date Start Time Finish Time Details
      Wednesday 6th October 18.30 21.00 Administration and water safety session (i.e. fees, distribution and filling in paperwork, video). COMPULSORY.
      Saturday 9th October   9.00 13.00 Initial water work, water safety videos.
      Sunday 10th October   9.00 17.00

      Rigging theory and assessment

      Tuesday 26th October 18.30  21.30 CPR with Dr Dave; evening pool session
      Saturday 30th October   9.00 17.00 Coaching assessments (practical)
      Sunday 31st October   9.00  17.00 Finish assements and wash up (may not be required)

      Cost to non-club members £120, Cost to club members £TBA. All payment must be received on the first night of the course. Anyone interested should contact the Club Captain, Jolyon Tidmarsh  Tel. 01235 827233 (W)

    July 13th 1999

    • The Annual Dinner will be held on Saturday 25th September 1999. Tickets £30 from Emma Arnold (Tel. 07957 788618).

    July 3rd 1999

    • Oxford City Royal Regatta will be held on Saturday 21st August 1999. Details and poster are posted at






    Barrier Fawley Finish


    Rv.Oberhausen eV., Germany 2 City of Oxford R.C 1¼ lengths 2.01 3.22 7.05

    Revised: January 03, 2004

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