Oxford City Royal Regatta & Sprint
Saturday 21st & Sunday 22nd August 2004

(Revised Thursday 19th August 2004)

Every effort has been made to take into account doubling up based on the information
supplied. In the event of a clash, please meet with your opposition at the
appropriate Pairing Marshal's desk not later than 45 minutes before the original 
scheduled time to agree a new time. Races times will not be rearranged after this
deadline. See Instructions for Competitors for details.

Sunday 22nd August 2004

500 m Downstream. Stern-on start, bows-on finish. 
First named crew on the Oxford Station

Event 1. Experienced Corporate Eights.
Sponsored By Wentworth The Pewterers

  1)Oxera --------------------| R79
                              |----------| R83
  2)Blackwells ---------------| 12:41    |-----------
                                         | 12:53
  3)PA Consulting ----------------BYE----|

Event 2. Men's Senior 1 Eights.
Sponsored By The Tree Hotel


  4)Hertford -SCRATCHED-------| R143
  5)Meles --------------------| 15:41

Event 3. Men's Senior 2 Eights.
Sponsored By Smiths of Bletchington

257)Abingdon ---------¦ R150A
  6)CORC Hodbod-------¦ 14:01 | R150
  7)Meles ------------¦R150B  | 16:00
274)Bradford on Avon -¦ 14:03

Event 4. Men's Senior 3 Eights.
Sponsored By RT Harris

258)Wallingford -------¦R84A
  8)UCD ---------------¦11:16 ¦ R84
  9)Staines ------------------| 12:55    | R157
 10)Meles --------------------| R85      | 16:20
 11)Wallingford --------------| 12:58

Event 5. Men's Senior 4 Eights.
Sponsored By The Rowing Service

 12)Sons Of The Thames -------| R94
                              |----------| R163
 13)Merton -------------------| 13:23    |-----------¦
                                         | 16:37     ¦
 14)Wolfson ----------------------BYE----|           ¦R163B
259)CORC ---------------------| R94A                 ¦18:01
                              |----------| R163A     ¦
 260)Linacre -----------------| 13:24    |-----------|
                                         | 16:38

Event 6. Men's Senior 2 Coxless Fours.
Sponsored By RAF Croughton

 15)Wallingford --------------| R102
                              |----------| R170
 16)Nepthys ------------------| 13:46    |-----------
                                         | 16:56
 17)Weybridge --------------------BYE----|

Event 7. Men's Senior 2 Coxed Fours.
Sponsored By Mediterranean Fish Bar

 18)CORC ---------------------| R177
 19)Milton Keynes ------------| 17:16

Event 8. Men's Senior 3 Coxed Fours.
Sponsored By Oxprint

 20)Sons Of The Thames -----------BYE----| R115
 21)Warrington ---------------| R38      | 14:22    |
                              |----------|          | R184
 22)Star Club ----------------| 10:47               |-----------
                                                    | 17:35
 23)Milton Keynes ----------------BYE----| R116     |
 24)Weybridge ---------BYE----| R38A     ¦14:25
262)Osler Green---------------| 10:48

Event 9. Men's Senior 4 Coxed Fours.
Sponsored By Hands On Therapy

 25)Hertford ---------------------BYE----| R51
 26)Merton -----------------------BYE----| 11:23    |
                                                    | R129
 27)Milton Keynes ------------| R13                 |----------|
                              |----------|          | 15:01    |
 28)Reading ------------------| 09:37    | R52      |          |
                                         |----------|          |
 29)Staines ------------------| R14      | 11:26               |
                              |----------|                     | R191
 30)Sons Of The Thames -------| 09:40                          |-----------
                                                               | 17:55
 31)Reading ------------------| R15                            |
                              |----------| R53                 |
 32)Warrington ---------------| 09:42    |----------|          |
                                         | 11:29    | R130     |
 33)Wallingford ------------------BYE----|          |----------|
                                                    | 15:04
 34)Christ Church College --------BYE----| R54      |
 35)Weybridge --------------------BYE----| 11:32

Event 10. Men's Novice Coxed Four.
Sponsored By Four Pillars Hotel

 36)Llandaff ---------------------BYE----| R65
 37)Reading ------------------| R20      | 12:02    |
                              |----------|          | R144
 38)Milton Keynes ------------| 10:30               |-----------
                                                    | 15:43
 39)Abingdon -----------------¦ R20A     | R66      |
263)Oxford Academicals -------¦ 10:31    | 12:02    
264)Oxford Academicals -------| R20B     |
 40)Wolfson ------------------| 10:32
Event 11. Men's Senior 4 Double Sculls.
Sponsored By David Fisher Photography

 41)Llandaff -----------------| R71
                              |----------| R151
 42)CORC ---------------------| 12:19    |-----------
                                         | 16:03
 43)Warrington -------------------BYE----|

Event 12. Men's Novice Double Sculls.
Sponsored By BigBlade Rowing Photos

265)Hertford -----------------¦ R25A
 44)CORC Piper----------------¦ 10:11    | R86
 45)Llandaff -----------------| R25      | 13:01    |
                              |----------|          | R158
 46)Falcon Howells------------| 10:10               |-----------
                                                    | 16:23
 47)Abingdon ---------------------BYE----| R87      |
 48)Sons Of The Thames -----------BYE----| 13:04

Event 13. Men's Senior 2 Coxless Pairs.
Sponsored By D & A Autos

 49)Star Club ----------------| R95
                              |----------| R164
 50)Sons Of The Thames -------| 13:26    |-----------
                                         | 16:39
 51)Wallingford ------------------BYE----|

Event 14. Men's Senior 3 Coxless Pairs.
Sponsored By Anthony Charles Southey Architect

 52)Reading ----------------------BYE----| R103
 53)CORC ---------------------| R31      | 13:49    |
                              |----------|          | R171
 54)Star Club ----------------| 10:27               |-----------
                                                    | 16:59
 55)Meles ------------------------BYE----| R104     |
 56)HSBC -------------------------BYE----| 13:51

Event 15. Men's Senior 2 Single Sculls.
Sponsored By Wentworth The Pewterers

 57)Meles King----------------| R178
 58)Meles Bond-----¦ R178A    | 17:19
266)Hertford-------¦  16:07        

Event 16. Men's Senior 4 Single Sculls.
Sponsored By The Tree Hotel

 59)CORC Wood---------------------BYE----| R39
 60)Imperial Nicholson------------BYE----| 10:50    | R117
 61)Reading Crabtree--------------BYE----| R40      | 14:28    |
                                         |----------|          |
 62)Staines ------------------| R9       | 10:52               |
                              |----------|                     | R185
 63)Star Club ----------------| 09:26                          |-----------
                                                               | 17:38
 64)Warrington -------------------BYE----| R41                 |
                                         |----------|          |
 65)Wallingford Jenkins-----------BYE----| 10:55    | R118     |
 66)Cardiff Hemming---------------BYE----| R42      | 14:31
 67)Wolfson ----------------------BYE----| 10:58

Event 17. Men's Novice Sculls Div A.
Sponsored By Smiths of Bletchington

 68)CORC -------------------------BYE----| R55
 69)KSRV Njord A------------------BYE----| 11:34    | R131
 70)Llandaff Castellini-----------BYE----| R56      | 15:07    |
                                         |----------|          |
 71)Reading Williams----------| R16      | 11:37               |
                              |----------|                     | R192
 72)Sons Of The Thames -------| 09:45                          |-----------
                                                               | 17:58
 73)Reading Filby-------------| R17                            |
                              |----------| R57                 |
 74)UTRC Baker----------------| 09:48    |----------|          |
                                         | 11:40    | R132     |
 75)University College Weaver-----BYE----|          |----------|
                                                   | 15:10
 76)Abingdon A--------------------BYE----| R58      |
 77)Wallingford Bull--------------BYE----| 11:43

Event 18. Men's Novice Sculls Div B.
Sponsored By RT Harris

 78)CORC Winstone-----------------BYE----| R61
 79)Derby Shawcross---------------BYE----| 11:51    | R141
 80)KSRV Njord B------------------BYE----| R62      | 15:35    |
                                         |----------|          |
 81)Milton Keynes ------------| R18      | 11:54               |
                              |----------|                     | R198
 82)Oxford Academicals Astier-| 09:51                          |-----------
                                                               | 18:16
 83)Reading Wortley-----------| R19                            |
                              |----------| R63                 |
 84)Wallingford Lear----------| 09:54    |----------|          |
                                         | 11:57    | R142     |
 85)St Ives Drake-----------------BYE----|          |----------|
                                                    | 15:38
 86)Abingdon B--------------------BYE----| R64      |
 87)Warrington -------------------BYE----| 12:00

Event 19. Men's Veteran C Coxed Fours.
Sponsored By The Rowing Service

 88)Milton Keynes ------------| R67
                              |----------| R145
 89)Abingdon -----------------| 12:08    |-----------
                                         | 15:46
 90)Staines ----------------------BYE----|

Event 20. Men's Veteran D/E Coxed Fours.
Sponsored By RAF Croughton

 91)Bradford on Avon VE-------| R72
 92)Reading VE----------------| 12:22    | R152
 93)Abingdon VD---------------| R73      | 16:06
 94)Staines VD----------------| 12:25

Event 21. Men's Veteran D/E Single Sculls.
Sponsored By Mediterranean Fish Bar

 95)Staines Tollet VD---------| R159
 96)CORC Smith VE-------------| 16:25

Event 22. Men's veteran F Single Sculls.
Sponsored By Oxprint


 97)Twickenham Bailey---------| R165
 98)Twickenham SCRATCHED------| 16:42

Event 23. Men's Junior 13 Coxed Quad Sculls.
Sponsored By Hands On Therapy

 99)Bewl Bridge --------------| R172
100)De Drietand --------------| 17:02

Event 24. Men's Junior 12 Coxed Quad Sculls.
Sponsored By Four Pillars Hotel

101)Bewl Bridge --------------| R179
102)De Drietand --------------| 17:21

Event 25. Men's Junior 15 Double Sculls.
Sponsored By David Fisher Photography

103)RGS High Wycombe ---------| R119
104)Marlow -------------------| 14:33    | R186
105)CORC Clarkson--SCRATCHED--| R120     | 17:41
106)Wallingford --------------| 14:36

Event 26. Men's Junior 14 Double Sculls.
Sponsored By BigBlade Rowing Photos

107)Maidenhead Clapp--------------BYE----| R133
108)Wallingford --------------| R59      | 15:13    |
                              |----------|          | R193
109)Merchant Taylors Smith----| 11:46               |-----------
                                                    | 18:01
110)Bewl Bridge ------------------BYE----| R134     |
111)Marlow -----------------------BYE----| 15:15

Event 27. Men's Junior 12 Double Sculls.
Sponsored By D & A Autos

112)De Drietand Kowalski------| R68
                              |----------| R146
113)De Drietand Raven---------| 12:11    |-----------
                                         | 15:49
114)TSS --------------------------BYE----|

Event 28. Men's Junior 18 Single Sculls.
Sponsored By Anthony Charles Southey Architect

115)Peterborough Taylor-------| R78
116)Marlow Hewitt-------------| 12:39    | R153
117)De Drietand Crum----------| R80      | 16:09
118)Wallingford --------------| 12:44

Event 29. Men's Junior 16 Single Sculls.
Sponsored By Wentworth The Pewterers

119)RGS High Wycombe Seaward--| R88
120)Maidenhead Jones----------| 13:07    | R160
121)Derby Shawcross-----------| R89      | 16:28
122)Wallingford Delany--------| 13:09

Event 30. Men's junior 15 Single Sculls.
Sponsored By The Tree Hotel

123)Peterborough Bream--------| R96
124)Marlow Johnson------------| 13:29    | R166
125)Maidenhead Best-----------| R97      | 16:45
126)Weybridge Knollman--------| 13:32

Event 31. Men's Junior 14 Single Sculls.
Sponsored By Smiths of Bletchington

127)Maidenhead Clapp--------------BYE----| R32
128)Marlow Hockley----------------BYE----| 10:30    | R105
129)Wallingford Ellam-------------BYE----| R33      | 13:54    |
                                         |----------|          |
130)CORC Parsons--------------| R8       | 10:33               |
                              |----------|                     | R173
131)Merchant Taylors Smith----| 09:23                          |-----------
                                                               | 17:05
132)Marlow Noble------------------BYE----| R34                 |
                                         |----------|          |
133)TSS Brighty-------------------BYE----| 10:36    | R106     |
134)Merchant Taylors Fielding-----BYE----| R35      | 13:57
135)Marlow Mottram----------------BYE----| 10:38

Event 32. Men's Junior 13 Single Sculls.
Sponsored By RT Harris

136)Marlow Stokes-----------------BYE----| R110
137)TSS Middleton-------------| R37      | 14:08    |
                              |----------|          | R180
138)Peterborough Blades-------| 10:44               |-----------
                                                    | 17:24
139)De Drietand Aurich------------BYE----| R111     |
140)TSS Jamieson---SCRATCHED------BYE----| 14:11

Event 33. Men's Junior 12 Single Sculls.
Sponsored By The Rowing Service

141)CORC Bovey-Hull J12-----------BYE----| R121
142)Wycliffe SC Mitchel J12---| R43      | 14:39    |
                              |----------|          | R187
143)TSS Lenik J12-------------| 11:01               |-----------
                                                    | 17:44
144)TSS Middleton J11---------| R44                 |
                              |----------| R122     |
145)Abingdon J12--------------| 11:04    |----------|
                                         | 14:42
146)CORC Seers J12----------------BYE----|

Event 34. Men's Junior 10 Single Sculls.
Sponsored By RAF Croughton

147)Bradford on Avon Casey----| R135
                              |----------| R194
148)Abingdon -----------------| 15:18    |-----------
                                         | 18:03
149)CORC Drohan---------------| R135A    ¦
267)CORC Smith----------------| 15:19

Event 35. Women's Senior 3 Eights.
Sponsored By Mediterranean Fish Bar

268)Merton--------------------| R147A
                              |----------| R147
150)Sons Of The Thames -------| 14:42    |-----------
                                         | 15:52
151)Wallingford ----------------BYE------|

Event 36. Women's Senior 4 Eights.
Sponsored By Oxprint

152)Willem III ---------------| R154
153)Wallingford --------------| 16:11

Event 37. Women's Novice Eights.
Sponsored By Hands On Therapy

154)KSRV Njord -------------------BYE----| R90
155)Oxford Academicals A------| R26      | 13:12    |
                              |----------|          | R161
156)KSRV Njord ---------------| 10:13               |-----------
                                                    | 16:31
157)CORC -------------------------BYE----| R91      |
158)Oxford Academicals B----------BYE----| 13:15

Event 38. Women's Senior 2 Coxed Fours.
Sponsored By Four Pillars Hotel

159)Llandaff -----------------| R98
160)Kingston Wheller----------| 13:35    | R167
161)HSBC ---------------------| R99      | 16:48
162)Sons Of The Thames -------| 13:37

Event 39. Women's Senior 3 Coxed Fours.
Sponsored By David Fisher Photography

269) Merton ------------------¦ R36A
163)CORC ---------------------¦ 10:42    | R107
164)Milton Keynes ------------| R36      | 14:00    |
                              |----------|          | R174
165)Llandaff -----------------| 10:41               |-----------
                                                    | 17:07
166)CORC -------------------------BYE----| R108     |
167)Wallingford ------------------BYE----| 14:03

Event 40. Women's Senior 4 Coxed Fours.
Sponsored By BigBlade Rowing Photos

270)Merton--------¦R 112A
168)Osler/Green   ¦13:03------| R112
169)Milton Keynes ------------| 14:14    | R181
170)Barnes Bridge Ladies -----| R113     | 17:27
171)Staines ------------------| 14:17

Event 41. Women's Novice Coxed Fours.
Sponsored By D & A Autos

172)Barnes Bridge Ladies B--------BYE----| R45
173)Reading ----------------------BYE----| 11:06    |
                                                    | R123
174)Bewl Bridge --------------| R10                 |----------|
                              |----------|          | 14:45    |
175)CORC Kerr-----------------| 09:28    | R46      |          |
                                         |----------|          |
176)HSBC ---------------------| R11      | 11:09               |
                              |----------|                     | R188
177)Eton Excelsior -----------| 09:31                          |-----------
                                                               | 17:47
178)CORC ---------------------| R12                            |
                              |----------| R47                 |
179)Linacre ------------------| 09:34    |----------|          |
                                         | 11:12    | R124     |
180)KSRV Njord -------------------BYE----|          |----------|
                                                    | 14:47
181)Abingdon ---------------------BYE----| R48      |
182)Barnes Bridge Ladies A--------BYE----| 11:15

Event 42. Women's Senior 4 Double Sculls.
Sponsored By Anthony Charles Southey Architect

183)Reading ----------------------BYE----| R136
184)Star Club ----------------| R60      | 14:21    |
                              |----------|          | R195
185)Sons Of The Thames -------| 11:48               |-----------
                                                    | 18:06
186)CORC -------------------------BYE----| R137     |
187)Wallingford --SCRATCHED-------BYE----| 15:24

Event 43. Women's Novice Double Sculls.
Sponsored By Wentworth The Pewterers

188)Barnes Bridge Ladies ---------BYE----| R21
189)CORC ---------------------| R1       | 09:59    |
                              |----------|          |
190)Falcon Lawton-------------| 09:03               | R69
191)Abingdon -----------------| R2                  | 12:14    |
                              |----------|          |          |
192)HSBC ---------------------| 09:06    | R22      |          |
                                         |----------|          |
193)Imperial Colllege --------| R3       | 10:02               |
                              |----------|                     | R148
194)Meles --------------------| 09:09                          |-----------
                                                               | 15:55
195)Imperial Colllege --------| R4                             |
                              |----------|                     |
196)Reading ------------------| 09:12    | R23                 |
                                         |----------|          |
197)Sons Of The Thames -------| R5       | 10:05    |          |
                              |----------|          | R70      |
198)Warrington ---------------| 09:14               |----------|
                                                    | 12:16
199)TSS/AKRC -----------------| R6                  |
                              |----------| R24      |
200)Falcon Hughes-------------| 09:17    |----------|
                                         | 10:08
201)Wolfson ------------------¦ R6A      |
271)CORC Bennet---------------¦ 09:18

Event 44. Womens Senior 4 Single Sculls.
Sponsored By The Tree Hotel

202)Reading Redwod Brown------| R81
203)Falcon Becker-------------| 12:47    | R155
204)Reading Pollok-Morris-----| R82      | 16:14
205)Sons Of The Thames -------| 12:50

Event 45. Women's Novice Single Sculls.
Sponsored By Smiths of Bletchington

206)CORC Walters------------------BYE----| R27
207)Falcon Lock-------------------BYE----| 10:16    | R92
208)Wolfson Baldock---------------BYE----| R28      | 13:18    |
                                         |----------|          |
209)Meles --------------------| R7       | 10:40               |
                              |----------|                     | R162
210)Reading Pollok-Morris-----| 09:20                          |-----------
                                                               | 16:34
211)Wallingford Covey-------------BYE----| R29                 |
                                         |----------|          |
212)Reading Redwod Brown-SCATCHED-BYE----| 10:22    | R93      |
213)Abingdon ---------------------BYE----| R30      | 13:21
214)Falcon Becker-----------------BYE----| 10:24

Event 46. Women's Junior 18 Quad Sculls.
Sponsored By RT Harris

215)Willem III ---------------| R100
                              |----------| R168
216)Maidenhead ---------------| 13:40    |-----------
                                         | 16:51
217)Willem III -------------------BYE----|

Event 47. Women's Junior 15 Coxed Quad Sculls.
Sponsored By The Rowing Service

218)Abingdon -----------------| R175
219)Marlow -------------------| 17:10

Event 48. Women's Junior 18 Double Sculls.
Sponsored By RAF Croughton

220)Maidenhead ---------------| R182
221)Willem III ---------------| 17:30

Event 49. Women's Junior 15 Double Sculls.
Sponsored By Anthony Charles Southey Architect

222)Abingdon A----------------| R49A
271)Marlow -------------------|  11:17   ¦ R125
223)Maidenhead ---------------| R49      | 14:50    |
                              |----------|          | R189
224)CORC ---------------------| 11:18               |-----------
                                                    | 17:49
225)Abingdon B--------------------BYE----| R126     |
226)Marlow -----------------------BYE----| 14:53

Event 50. Women's Junior 14 Double Sculls.
Sponsored By Oxprint

227)Maidenhead ---------------| R138
                              |----------| R196
228)De Drietand Blokker-------| 15:27    |-----------
                                         | 18:09
229)Wallingford ------------------BYE----|

Event 51. Women's Junior 13 Double Sculls.
Sponsored By Hands On Therapy

230)Abingdon -----------------| R149
231)CORC ---------------------| 15:57

Event 52. Women's Junior 12 Double Sculls.
Sponsored By Four Pillars Hotel

232)CORC ---------------------| R156
233)De Drietand Dest----------| 16:17

Event 53. Women's Junior 18 Single Sculls.


Event 54. Women's Junior 16 Single Sculls.
Sponsored By BigBlade Rowing Photos

234)Marlow Mottram------------| R101
                              |----------| R169
235)Maidenhead Pepper---------| 13:43    |-----------
                                         | 16:53
236)Wallingford Drury-------------BYE----|

Event 55. Women's Junior 15 Single Sculls.
Sponsored By D & A Autos

237)Maidenhead Entwistle------| R109
                              |----------| R176
238)De Drietand --------------| 14:05    |-----------
                                         | 17:13
239)Wallingford Delany------------BYE----|

Event 56. Women's Junior 14 Single Sculls.
Sponsored By Anthony Charles Southey Architect

240)Maidenhead Cambell--------| R114
                              |----------| R183
241)CORC Parsons---SCRATCHED--| 14:19    |-----------
                                         | 17:33
242)Wallingford Drury-------------BYE----|

Event 57. Women's Junior 13 Single Sculls.
Sponsored By Wentworth The Pewterers

243)Abingdon ---------------------BYE----| R127
244)Maidenhead Ancona---------| R50      | 14:56    |
                              |----------|          | R190
245)Abingdon -----------------| 11:20               |-----------
                                                    | 17:52
273)TSS Jamieson------------------BYE----| R128     |
247)Peterborough Bream------------BYE----| 14:59

Event 58. Mixed Double Sculls.
Sponsored By Mediterranean Fish Bar

248)Reading ------------------| R139
249)CORC Reinike--------------| 15:29    | R197
250)CORC Hodbod---------------| R140     | 18:12
251)Wallingford ----¦ R139A   | 15:32
275) Maidenhead-----¦ 13:45

Event 59. Adaptive Coxed Single Sculls.
Sponsored By Smiths of Bletchington

252)OARC Harrison-----------------BYE----| R75
253)OARC Collingwood----------| R74      | 12:30    |
                              |----------|          | R77
254)OARC Lunney---------------| 12:27               |-----------
                                                    | 12:36
255)OARC Tregear------------------BYE----| R76      |
256)CORC Holmes-------------------BYE----| 12:33

Revised: August 19, 2004.