presentations (2007-2014) |
23-25 October 2014.
Les auxiliaires de l’armée romaine, des alliés aux fédérés:
VIe Congrès international de Lyon sur l’armée romaine.
Paper: ‘Auxilia externa: the extent and significance of Republican
auxiliaries’ |
29 September–1
October 2014. EAGLE International Conference on Information Technologies
for Epigraphy and Digital Cultural Heritage in the Ancient World, ENS &
Collège de France, Paris. Poster: ‘I. Sicily: a digital corpus
of inscriptions from ancient Sicily’. |
28 March
2014. University of Geneva, Switzerland. Invited paper: ‘Entre archéologie
sous-marine, épigraphie et Grande Histoire: les éperons de
navires des îles Aegates’. |
26 March
2014. Classical Association, University of Manchester. Invited paper: ‘Rams
and warships: the battle of the Aegates Islands, 241 BC’. |
18 February
2014. Faculty of Classics, University of Oxford. Paper: ‘Roman Republican
Imperialism, East and West’. |
3 January
2014. Joint panel of the 115th AIA and APA Joint Annual Meeting, Chicago,
USA: ‘The Battle of the Aegates Islands (241 B.C.)’. Paper:
‘Inscriptions and Institutions: the Evidence of the Ram Inscriptions’. |
16 November
2013. ANHIMA Atelier: Institutions et vie municipale dans la Sicile hellénistique
et romaine. INHA, Paris. Invited paper: ‘Bilan historiographique et
problématique sur les institutions et la vie politique des cités
en Sicile à l’époque hellénistique et romaine
(jusqu’à Auguste)’. |
23-25 May
2013. International conference, Warlordism and Multipolarity in the Ancient
Mediterranean, Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya, Barcelona (ICREA).
Invited paper: ‘Republican Auxiliaries: The exploitation of local
warlordism in the Republican empire’ |
24 April
2013. Co-organiser, Phoenician and Punic Studies Workshop IV, Merton College,
Oxford. |
8 April
2013. Organiser, international workshop, Naval Warfare in the Third Century
BC: Rams, Warships, and Officials, Faculty of Classics, University of Oxford,
UK. Paper presentation: ‘The Latin inscriptions’. |
6 April
2013. Organiser, speaker panel at the 2013 UK Classical Association Annual
Meeting, University of Reading: Inscribed rostra from the site of the Battle
of the Aegates Islands, 241 BC (First Punic War). Paper presentation: ‘Inscriptions
and institutions: the evidence of the rostra inscriptions’. |
14-15 March
2013. International colloquium: Clientela provinciales en el imperio romano:
una reconsideración. University of Zaragoza, Spain. Invited paper:
‘Auxilia and clientelae: military service and foreign clientelae reconsidered’. |
1 March
2013. Research seminar, Dept. of Classics, St. Andrews University, Scotland.
Invited paper: ‘Inscribed rostra from the First Punic War & the
quaestorship in the C3 BC’ |
December 2012. Ottave Giornate Internazionali di Studi sull’area elima
e la Sicilia occidentale nel contesto mediterraneo: La Città e le
città della Sicilia antica. Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Italy.
Invited paper: ‘La nuova tavola in bronzo (in due copie) da Halaesa.’ |
26-28 November
2012. Techniques, savoirs et cultures d’empire: l’imperium romanum
en perspective. INHA, Rue Vivienne, Paris, France. Invited paper: ‘The
quaestorship in the third and second century BC.’ |
18-20 October
2012. Political culture and social structure in the Roman republic; in memory
of Friedrich Münzer, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster,
Germany. Invited paper: ‘The Roman Republic and the West.’ |
27-31 August
2012. XIV Congressus Internationalis Epigraphiae Graecae et Latinae, Humboldt
University, Berlin, Germany.
Invited paper: ‘Between Public and Sacred space: the case of Hellenistic
Halaesa (Sicily)’
Paper: ‘Inscribed rostra from the First Punic War: new discoveries
in Sicily’. |
30 May
2012. The Impact of Moses Finley. Laurence Seminar, Faculty of Classics,
Cambridge 29th-31st May 2012. Invited paper: ‘Finley’s Sicily.’ |
13 March
2012. Research meeting of the Copenhagen Volutnary Associations in Antiquity
project. Invited paper: ‘A new bronze honorific from late Hellenistic
Sicily (Halaesa) in two copies.’ |
14 December
2011. Epigraphy and Urban Culture, one day workshop of the Roman Society
Research Centre, Gent, Belgium. Invited paper: ‘A new bronze honorific
from late Hellenistic Sicily (Halaesa) in two copies.’ |
20-22 October
2011. Gérer les territoires, les patrimoines et les crises. Le quotidien
municipal 2. International Colloquium, Clermont Ferrand, Maison des Sciences
et de l’homme. Invited paper: ‘Managing civic resources in Hellenistic/Republican
Sicily: the epigraphic evidence from Taormina and Halaesa.’ [Unable
to attend for personal reasons]. |
27 July
2011. Triennial 2011: A Celebration of Classics. University of Cambridge.
Invited paper: 'The spread of epigraphic culture in the Hellenistic West'.
23-24 June
2011. Comunidades locales e imperialismo romano en occidente. Universitat
de les Illes Balears. Paper: 'Republica auxilia: comparing East
and West' |
5 May 2011.
Kinship diplomacy between Sicily and Rome in the Republican period. University
of Zaragoza, Spain. |
6-7 December
2010. Le luxe et les lois somptuaires dans la Rome antique (approche comparative).
Table Ronde, École française de Rome, Italy. Invited paper:
‘Autour du plebiscitum Claudianum de 218 av. J.-C.’ |
1-3 September
2010. Politics and Oratory in the Roman Republic. International Conference,
University of Oxford, UK. Invited paper: ‘The provincial perspective
on the politics of repetundae trials.’ |
May 2010. Les gouverners et les provinciaux sous la République romaine,
colloque international. University of Nantes, France. Invited Paper: ‘Provincial
governors and the use of local military manpower.’ |
7 May
2010. Workshop on the Financial Inscriptions of Taormina, Scuola Normale
Superiore di Pisa, Italy. Paper: ‘The Taormina Financial Inscriptions:
Historical Problems.’ |
6 May
2010. Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Italy. Invited paper: ‘La
nuova iscrizione da Halaesa.’ |
26 April
2010. Punic Studies Workshop II, Merton College, Oxford. Co-Organiser. Paper:
‘From Himera to Hannibal: Barbarizing the Western Phoenicians.’ |
14-15 April
2010. Alleanze e parentele: le affinitá elettive nella storiografia
sulla Sicilia antica. Convegno internazionale, Università degli studi
di Palermo, Sicily. Invited paper: ‘Kinship diplomacy between Sicily
and Rome.’ |
27 February
2010. Conquest and Culture: Sicily in the first millenium BC, Study Day,
Rewley House, Oxford. Invited paper: ‘Sicilian identity between Greeks,
Phoenicians, and Romans.’ |
24 February
2010. Reading Classical Association. Paper: ‘From Himera to Hannibal:
Barbarizing the Western Phoenicians.’ |
16-17 November
2009. Truppe e Comandanti nel mondo antico, conference, University of Palermo,
Sicily. Invited paper: ‘Truppe e comandanti stranieri nell’esercito
romano in età repubblicana. |
8-10 October
2009. 16th French-Italian Epigraphic Congress: The Roman Tribus, Bari, Italy.
Invited Poster: ‘Sicilia Romana tributim discripta’. |
22 April
2009. Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma, Mallorca. Invited Paper:
‘Roman Expansion in the Western Provinces: models of integration of
local communities’. |
6 November
2008. Identifying the Punic Mediterranean. Conference, BSR, Rome, Italy.
Paper: ‘Ancient Constructions of Punicity’. |
20 October
2008. Callaghan War Studies Institute, University of Swansea, UK. Invited
paper: ‘Non-Italian Manpower: auxilia externa under the Roman Republic’. |
11 October
2008. Italians and the Land, conference, University of Kent, Canterbury,
UK. Paper: ‘Senators, Land-holding, and the Lex Claudia’. |
1 October
2008. University of Messina, Sicily. Paper: ‘Per un’identità
siciliana in età repubblicana’. |
22 September
2008. AIAC XIII, Rome, Italy. Paper: ‘Siculo-Punic Coinage and Siculo-Punic
interactions’. |
9 July
2008. ‘Public and Private Lies’, International conference, University
of Melbourne, Australia. Invited paper: ‘Tyrannizing Sicily: The despots
who cried ‘Carthage!’. |
29 March
2008. Classical Association Conference 2008, University of Liverpool. Paper:
‘Non-Italian Manpower: auxilia externa under the Roman Republic’. |
11 March
2008. Joint Classical Association and Roman Society lecture, Dept. of Classics,
University of Nottingham. Paper: ‘Non-Italian Manpower: auxilia externa
under the Roman Republic’. |
5 February
2008. Pyrrhus. Ancient History Seminar, University of Oxford. Paper: ‘Pyrrhus
in Sicily, or, “When I grow up I want to be like Alexander - I mean
Agathocles”.’ |
25 October
2007. Actualités de la recherche sur la Sicile. Colloquium, Université
Toulouse II, France. Paper: ‘Republican Sicily at the start of the
21st Century: the rise of the optimists’. |
5-7 October
2007. Imperial Rome: Commerce and Consumerism. Weekend School, Rewley House,
Oxford. Paper:’ Storehouse of the Republic, nursemaid of the people:
supplying Rome from Sicily’. |
2-7 September
2007. Epigraphy and the Historical Sciences. XIII Internation Congress of
Greek and Latin Epigraphy. National Organizing Committee member. Paper:
‘Provincial milestones in Republican imperialism’. |
6 June
2007. Ephebes and Neoi: New Perspectives on Greek Youths. Seminar series,
Jesus College, Oxford. Paper: ‘Neoi in the Service of Rome: Gymnasia
in a Republican provincia’. |
23-24 March
2007. A Celebration of the Life and Work of Peter Brunt, Oriel College,
Oxford. Paper: ‘Non-Italian Manpower: auxilia externa under the Republic’. |
March 2007. Regionalism and Globalism in Antiquity, Classical Associations
of the Canadian West and Pacific Northwest Joint Meeting, University of
British Columbia, Vancouver. Paper (& panel co-convenor): ‘Epigraphy
in the western Mediterranean – Hellenistic?’ |
2 March
2007. Research seminar, Dept. of Classics, University of Wales, Lampeter.
Paper: ‘Milestones in Republican Imperialism’. |
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