- UK-Hum-IT
- Web page detailing the
range of projects and services which support the Arts and Humanities
with IT.
- The
Oxford Text Archive
- The OTA archives, catalogues,
and provides support for using electronic texts in Arts and Humanities
- Humbul
Humanities Hub
- An extensive catalogue of
internet resources for a wide range of subjects.
- The
JTAP Virtual Seminars Project
- A series of award-winning
tutorials on World War One poetry.
- Arts
and Humanities Data Service
- JISC-funded body working
on behalf of the academic community to collect, catalogue, manage, preserve
and promote the re-use of scholarly digital resources.
- The
Text Encoding Initiative
- The Text Encoding Initiative
(TEI) is an international project to develop guidelines for the preparation
and interchange of electronic texts for scholarly research.
- The
Aster Project
- The Assisting Small group
Teaching through Electronic Resources (ASTER) Project aims to explore
how Communication and Information Technologies can assist students and
lecturers in making the most of small group learning and teaching, and
to promote and support effective change in educational practice.
- Database
of Humanities computer-based projects
- During 1993 The Office for
Humanities Communications (OHC), supported by the British Library Research
and Development Department, surveyed every humanities department in
the UK seeking information on computer-based projects. The survey resulted
in the details of 193 projects being returned. The projects covered
a wide range of subjects including archaeology, economics, music, history,
literature, classics, and religious studies. For a historical perspective
on Humanities Computing in Britain, we reproduce the searchable database