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CTI Textual Studies

Computers & Texts Index




Learning Greek with Accordance

Multimedia, Multilinearity, and Multivocality in the Hypermedia Classroom

Tailoring the Textbook to Fit the Student Body

Computer-Assisted Film and Drama Studies with
BUFVC and Legal Deposit

Oxford Text Archive

Computer-Aided Processing of Old German Texts

AHDS Mailbase List

Reviews and News

Review: A Right to Die? An Ethical Case Study on CD-ROM

Review: Literature Online

Review: Major Authors on CD-ROM: Virginia Woolf

Review: High Places in Cyberspace

Review: Research in Humanities Computing

Digital Resources for the Humanities '97

New Publications from the Office for Humanities Communication


Letter from Murray Weston, BUFVC (16/06/97)


It is certain that 1997 will prove to be a significant year for higher education in general and the CTI in particular. The CTI is to be reviewed together with the Teaching and Learning Technology Support Network. Everyone, from the Government downwards, is looking forward to Sir Ron Dearing's report in July. The CTI made its submission to the Dearing Inquiry along with other HE programmes. The submission may be viewed at http://www.york.ac.uk/inst/ctipsych/Dearing/Dearing.html Many of the other submissions are accessible on the Web and they make some interesting points about the use of IT in teaching and learning. The AUT, for example, notes that effective learning materials can only be developed (and implemented) when academic specialists and IT people work closely together. In some cases, of course, the IT specialist and the academic are one and the same person (as witnessed in many of the articles printed in Computers & Texts). The CVCP adds to this with the observation that IT is currently best used a supplement, rather than a replacement, to traditional staff-student contact, and particularly within first year undergraduate core courses.

The submissions to Dearing together with other studies and reviews taking place have the potential to bring about a more focused view of IT in teaching and learning. There is potential for a convergence of CAL policies and a convergence of the various funded programmes (of which there are many acronyms to remember). CTI Textual Studies has spent sometime considering ways in which the work of the Centre might reflect this convergence. We can, for example, see ways to solid collaboration with other projects and programmes. The greatest strength of the CTI lies in its combined knowledge of specific subject areas and IT applications. It is the subject expertise, in particular, which is most valued by departments who invite the Centre to give presentations. We feel that both the Centre and selected institutions might wish to benefit from a more prolonged period of consultation leading to the integration of some aspect of IT into the teaching of a course. Case studies would be created which showed the real, rather than perceived, benefits and drawbacks of using IT in teaching and learning. This proposal would require further resources but in the meantime we would like to hear from academic staff who would be interested in working more closely with the Centre in this fashion.

Editorial Postscript Articles, reviews, and reports for the next issue of Computers & Texts should arrive at CTI Textual Studies by 18th July 1997. Please submit a printed version and an electronic version. The electronic version should either be on a 3.5" disk or sent by email to mike.fraser@oucs.ox.ac.uk.

Computers & Texts 14 (1997), 1. Not to be republished in any form without the permission of CTI Textual Studies.

HTML Authors: Michael Fraser (mike.fraser@oucs.ox.ac.uk), Stuart Sutherland (stuart.sutherland@oucs.ox.ac.uk)
Document Created: 24 May 1997
Document Modified: 3 March 1999

The URL of this document is http://info.ox.ac.uk/ctitext/publish/comtxt/ct14/index.html