Computers & Texts No.
14 | Table of Contents | April 1997 |
Textual Monopolies: Literary Copyright and the Public Domain, a volume of essays edited by Patrick Parrinder and Warren Chernaik, was published in March 1997. It is a joint publication of The Centre for English Studies and the Office for Humanities Communication. The essays are based on papers at a conference at CES in December 1994, occasioned by changes in copyright law brought about a 1993 European Directive, and have been brought up to date to reflect significant developments since that time. According to John Sutherland's preface, 'the London conference on copyright proved extraordinarily educative for those attending. It enlarged horizons and created points of intellectual connection between traditionally separated sectors of the book world and the academic community, publicising an issue of cultural importance that was in danger of passing into law without anyone noticing'. Contributors to this volume include legal and literary scholars, publishers, and authors, expressing both practical and political concerns, in a searching consideration of changing ideas of intellectual property in the electronic age.
The second volume of the Canterbury Tales Project Occasional Papers, edited by Norman Blake and Peter Robinson, reports on work done in the three years since the publication of the first volume. Several articles report on the use of advanced computing techniques to explore aspects of the textual tradition of the Tales. Other articles discuss the Project's lineation and transcription systems, and focus on individual manuscripts and issues surrounding the text.
Copies of both publications can be ordered from the Office for Humanities Communication at a cost of £12.50 each plus postage & packing (£1.00 UK, £2.00 Europe, £3.00 outside Europe). Orders should be sent to the Office for Humanities Communication, Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College London, Strand WC2R 2LS, enclosing a cheque made payable to 'King's College London'.
[Table of Contents] [Letter to the Editor]
Computers & Texts 14 (1997), 23. Not to be republished in any form
without the permission of CTI Textual Studies.
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