Computers & Texts No. 16/17
Table of Contents
Winter 1998


King's College London

12-15 September 1999

A conference that brings together the creators, users, distributors, and custodians of digital resources in the Humanities.


The Digital Resources for the Humanities conferences are a major forum for all those affected by the digitization of our common cultural heritage: the scholar creating or using an electronic edition; the teacher using digital resources as an aid to learning; the publisher finding new ways to reach new audiences; the librarian, curator or archivist wishing to improve both access to and conservation of the digital information that characterizes contem-porary culture and scholarship; the computer or information science specialist seeking to apply new scientific and technical developments to the creation, exploitation and management of digital resources.


The conference will take up three intensive days of academic papers, panel discussions, technical reports, and software demon-strations, in the heart of London. The atmosphere will, we hope, encourage much energetic discussion, both formal and informal. Leading practitioners of the application of digital techniques and resources in the Humanities, from the worlds of scholarship, librarianship, archives, museums, galleries and publishing will be there, exchanging expertise, experience, and opinions.


The conference is sponsored by the British Library, the Office for Humanities Communication (OHC), the Arts and Humanities Data Service (AHDS), the Centre for Computing in the Humanities of King's College London, the Humanities Computing Unit of Oxford University, the Refugee Studies Programme at Oxford University, the Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute of the University of Glasgow, and the United Kingdom Office for Library and Information Networking (UKOLN).


Creation of digital resources: textual, visual, and time-based; integration of digital resources as multimedia; policies and strategies for electronic delivery: both commercial and non-commercial; resource discovery including cataloguing, metadata and search techniques; digital resources in research; pedagogic implications of digital resources and electronic delivery; encoding standards; intellectual property rights; funding, cost-recovery, and charging mechanisms; digitization techniques and problems; organisation and management issues in the digital or 'hybrid' library.

Conference publications

A book of abstracts, containing the revised versions of all accepted papers, panel sessions and posters, will be provided to all conference delegates. These abstracts will also be published on the conference web site.

A volume of Selected Papers will be published following the conference. Everyone who presents a paper at the conference will be invited to submit a full version of their paper for consideration for the publication.

Further Information

The conference web site ( will be regularly updated, and will include full details of the procedure for submitting proposals, the programme, and registration information. Bookmark it now!


The International Programme Committee, which has responsibility for the academic programme of the conference, is chaired by Lou Burnard of Oxford University. The chair of the local organising committee at King's College London is Harold Short.

[Table of Contents] [Letter to the Editor]

Computers & Texts 16/17 (1998). Not to be republished in any form without the permission of CTI Textual Studies.

HTML Author: Michael Fraser
Document Created: 11 April 1999
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