CTI Textual
& Texts Index
ContentsArticlesTeaching with the Chadwyck-Healey Literature Databases Digital Variants and the Writing Process IT's Challenge to Literature and 'Cognitive Dissonance' Sponsored by the Oxford Text ArchiveNews from the Oxford Text Archive Computer Indices for the Zuozhuan The Thomas MacGreevy Hypertext Chronology Reviews and NewsReview: The Dead Sea Scrolls Electronic Reference Library
Review: Julius Caesar on CD-ROM
Review: Hypertext 2.0
Notice: Software and Books Received |
EditorialAs the vast majority of our readers will be aware the higher education funding bodies undertook a detailed review of the CTI and the TLTSN during 1998 (see http://www.cti.ac.uk/news/features/review.html). Building on the overall success of the CTI, the HE funding bodies are to establish a new programme of Subject Centres with a broader remit for teaching & learning. Our Centre, together with other organisations, made a response to the consultation document published by the funding bodies. In our response we were particularly concerned to ensure that the grouping of subject areas to be supported by the new Subject Centres would best serve the diverse and interdisciplinary nature of the humanities. The formation of new Subject Centres, together with the recent JISC call for subject gateways, provides excellent opportunities for more formal collaboration between, and coordination of, subject-based services, particularly within the humanities. Sarah Porter has left the CTI Centre to become coordinator of the HCU's Humanities Computing Development Team, a new service to assist Oxford's humanities staff to develop teaching and research applications. Sophie Clarke, our half-time Project Assistant, accepted the post of IT support officer for the Faculty of Literae Humaniores in Oxford. We were sad to lose two very effective members of staff from the Centre though pleased that both have gone on to better positions and continue to work within humanities computing in Oxford. We are pleased to welcome Dr Frances Condron as the Centre's new full-time Project Officer. Frances comes to us from the AHDS Archaeology Data Service in York. Her teaching and research background is in classics and archaeology. Frances will be the main contact in Oxford for the TLTP ASTER Project (Assisting Small-group Teaching through Electronic Resources) of which Oxford is a partner. The Centre will have its full complement of staff with the arrival of Stuart Sutherland in February as the Centre's Information Officer. Stuart is currently a lecturer in English and Media Studies at Cadbury College, Birmingham. He will have particular responsibility for the Centre's publishing activities. We would be grateful if our readers could complete the Computer-Assisted Assessment Survey (enclosed with the printed edition). An online version is also available. The deadline has been extended to 7 May 1999. Please contact us if you would like to submit an article for the
last issues of Computers & Texts to be published by the CTI Centre.
We are planning a special issue to mark the completion of over ten years
service as part of the CTI. Editorial PostscriptArticles, reviews, and reports for the next issue of Computers & Texts should arrive at CTI Textual Studies by 15 May 1999. Please submit a printed version and an electronic version. The electronic version should either be on a 3.5" disk or sent as an email attachment to ctitext@oucs.ox.ac.uk. (MF) |
Computers & Texts
16/17 (1998), 1. Not to be republished in any form without the permission of
CTI Textual Studies.
HTML Authors: Michael Fraser, Stuart
Document Created: 22 December 1998
Modified: 12 April 1999
The URL of this document is