Workshop on "Recent Advances in Panel and Network Data"
Dates: 10-11 June 2024
Location: Jesus College, Habakkuk Room, (LOCATION INFORMATION)
Day 1: June 10
Tim Armstrong (USC): Robust Estimation and Inference in Panels with Interactive Fixed Effects
Arturas Juodis (Amsterdam): Dynamic Panel Data, Half Panel Jackknife and (near) Uniform Inference
11:00-11:30 Coffee/Tea Habakkuk Room Foyer Turl Street
Sebastian Kripfganz (Exeter): Serial correlation testing in error component models with moderately small T
Andrei Zeleneev (UCL): Endogeneity in Panel and Network Models: Identification without IV
12:30-14:00 Lunch Dining Hall Turl Street
14:00-14:45 Xavier D'Haultfoeuille (CREST) Keynote talk: Analytic inference with multiway clustering
14:45-15:15 Coffee/Tea Habakkuk Room Foyer Turl Street
Ivan Fernandez-Val (BU): Conditional Rank-Rank Regression
Gabriela Miyazato Szini (Amsterdam): A Pairwise Differencing Distribution Regression Approach for Network Models
16:15-16:45 Coffee/Tea Habakkuk Room Foyer Turl Street
Christophe Gaillac (Oxford): Predicting Unobserved Individual-level Causal Effects
Myungkou Shin (Oxford): Distributional Treatment Effect with Latent Rank Invariance
18:45pm DINNER (by invitation only)
Day 2: June 11
9:00-9:30 Coffee/Tea Habakkuk Room Foyer Turl Street
Jad Beyhum (Leuven): The potential outcomes factor model
Brad Ross (Stanford): Estimating Counterfactual Matrix Means with Short Panel Data
10:30-11:00 Coffee/Tea Habakkuk Room Foyer Turl Street
Yike Wang (LSE): Graph Neural Networks: Theory for Estimation with Application on Network Heterogeneity
Wendun Wang (Rotterdam): Detecting structural breaks in spatial panel data models with unknown networks
Ayden Higgins (Oxford): TBA
12:30-14:00 Lunch Dining Hall Turl Street
14:00-14:45 Koen Jochmans (TSE) Keynote talk: Nonparametric identification and estimation of stochastic block models from many small networks
14:45-15:15 Coffee/Tea Habakkuk Room Foyer Turl Street
Martina Pons (Bern): Quantile on Quantiles
Martin Mugnier (Oxford): Fixed Effects Quantile Regression via Deconvolutional Differencing in Short Panels
Organized by Christophe Gaillac, Ayden Higgins, Martin Mugnier, Myungkou Shin, and Martin Weidner.
Financed by the ERC grant "High-Dimensional Inference for Panel and Network Data"
List of registered attendees
- Michele Aquaro (University of Luxembourg)
- Tim Armstrong (USC)
- Vanessa Berenguer Rico (University of Oxford)
- Jad Beyhum (KU Leuven)
- Steve Bond (University of Oxford)
- Xavier D'Haultfoeuille (CREST)
- Ivan Fernandez-Val (Boston University)
- Christophe Gaillac (University of Oxford)
- Ayden Higgins (University of Oxford)
- Yawen Hu (University of Oxford)
- Koen Jochmans (TSE)
- Arturas Juodis (Amsterdam)
- Maximilian Kasy (University of Oxford)
- Stan Koobs (Erasmus)
- Sebastian Kripfganz (Exeter)
- Jeremy Large (University of Oxford)
- Julia Manso (University of Oxford)
- Gabriela Miyazato Szini (Amsterdam)
- Martin Mugnier (University of Oxford)
- Martina Pons (Bern)
- Brad Ross (Stanford)
- Myungkou Shin (University of Oxford)
- Richard Spady (Nuffield College/Johns Hopkins University)
- Ao Wang (University of Warwick)
- Yike Wang (LSE)
- Wendun Wang (Rotterdam)
- Martin Weidner (University of Oxford)
- Frank Windmeijer (University of Oxford)
- Yang Xu (University of Oxford)
- Andrei Zeleneev (UCL)