All submissions will undergo a double-blind review process.Please make your submissions via EasyChair:
You will have to create an account to do so. The account creation process is fairly intuitive. Remember to check that you have entered the correct details when you are creating the account, as we will contact you using those details. However, if you need further help, please refer to the instructions below.
Click and hold on the images to see a bigger version.1. Visit the link, and click on 'create an account'.

2. You may be asked to fill in a CAPTCHA phrase - which helps to prevent spam. Click 'continue' when you are done.

3. Fill in your details. Make sure they are accurate, as we will contact you using the details you have provided. Click 'continue' when you are done.

4. You will be asked to verify your email address. Check your email account for an email from EasyChair.

5. When you open the email from EasyChair, you will see a link. Click the link to verify your account.

6. Complete the final step of the account creation process, by filling in your details as requested on the form. Click 'Create my account' when you are done.

7. You will receive a notification that your account has been created. To log in to EasyChair and submit a paper, follow the link provided on this page.

8. Login to EasyChair with the details of the account that you have just created. Click 'log in' when you are done.

9. After logging in, click 'enter as an author'.

10. This is the submission page. Fill in the author(s) details, give your paper a title, include an abstract and three keywords, and finally upload your documuent. Please ensure that your document does not contain any information that could identify you.

And you're done! You will hear from us after all the submissions have been reviewed.