Before coming to the OII, Ralph Schroeder was Professor in the School of Technology Management and Economics at Chalmers University in Gothenburg. He completed his Ph.D. at the LSE in 1988. He has written extensively about virtual environments and recently completed a book manuscript ‘Rethinking Science, Technology and Social Change’. At the OII he is continuing his research about how people interact in shared virtual environments. He is writing a book on this topic that will link virtual reality technology to other types of computer-mediated communication and new media. He is also currently working on two ESRC funded studies: ‘Oxford e-Social Social Science Project (OeSS): Ethical, Legal and Social Dynamics of e-Science Infrastructures’, http://www.ncess.ac.uk/nodes/oess/, and ‘The World Wide Web of Science: Emerging Global Sources of Expertise’ about how the web is used as a source for accessing knowledge about urgent global issues (http://www.sci-soc.net/SciSoc/Projects/Globalization/).