Curriculum Vitae
Correspondence with De Volder - edition and translation into English
(with an extended introduction)
for The Yale Leibniz (Yale University Press, in press).
G.W. Leibniz:
Philosophical Publications. Series Editor. Volume 1: The Journal Articles - Edited by P. Lodge. Trans. by R. Francks, P. Lodge, A. LoLordo and R. S. Woolhouse. In preparation. The Empirical Grounds for Leibnizs Real Metaphysics, The Leibniz Review 20 (2010), 13-38. (abstract) (pdf.) Unconscious Conceiving and Leibnizs Argument for Primitive Concepts, (with Stephen Puryear), Studia Leibnitiana 28/29 (2006-07), 178-96.(abstract) (pdf.) Garbers Interpretations of Leibniz on Corporeal Substance in the Middle Years, The Leibniz Review (2005), 1-27. (abstract) Burchard de Volder: Crypto-Spinozist or Disenchanted Cartesian? in T. Schmaltz ed. Receptions of Descartes: Cartesianism and Anti-Cartesianism in Early Modern Europe (Routledge, 2005), 128-46. (abstract) Leibnizs Close Encounter with Cartesianism in the Correspondence with De Volder, in P. Lodge ed. Leibniz and His Correspondents (Cambridge University Press, 2004), 162-92.(abstract)
on Relativity and the Motion of Bodies,
Philosophical Topics, 31 (2003), 277-308. (abstract) Leibniz on Divisibility, Aggregates, and Cartesian Bodies, Studia Leibnitiana 34 (2002), 59-80. (abstract)
Leibniz, Bayle, and Locke
on Faith and Reason, (with Ben
Crowe) American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 76
(2002), 575-600 (abstract)
Leibnizs Notion of an Aggregate, British Journal for the History of Philosophy 9 (2001), 404-425. (abstract) (pdf.) The Debate over Extended Substance in Leibnizs Correspondence with De Volder, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 15 (2001), 155-65. (abstract) Derivative and Primitive Forces in Leibnizian Bodies, in H. Poser ed. Nihil Sine Ratione: Mensch, Natur und Technik im Wirken von G. W. Leibniz (2001), 720-27. (abstract) (pdf.) Leibnizs Commitment to the Pre-established Harmony in the late 1670s and Early 1680s, Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 80 (1998), 292-320.(abstract)
The Failure of Leibnizs
Correspondence with De Volder, Leibniz Society Review 8
(1998), 47-67. (Winner
of the 1998 Essay Competition, Leibniz Society of North America).
(abstract) Leibnizs Heterogeneity Argument Against the Cartesian Conception of Body, Studia Leibnitiana 30 (1998), 83-102. (abstract) Stepping Back Inside Leibnizs Mill, (with Marc Bobro) The Monist 81 (1998), 554-73. (abstract)
Force and the Nature of Body in Discourse on Metaphysics
§§17-18, Leibniz Society Review
7 (1997), 116-24.
(abstract) (pdf.)
Review of Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy, D. Garber
and S. Nadler eds. British Journal for the History of Philosophy
13 (2005), 175-79.
Review of P. Riley's Leibnizs Universal Jurisprudence (Harvard,
1996), Studia Leibnitiana 30 (1998), 211-12. |