Events Organized or Co-organized by Martin Wynne 2000-
An almost complete list with links to web pages and other materials.
- 'Natural Language Processing meets Holocaust Research', 16 November 2024, Los Angeles, panel session at Lessons and Legacies 2024 website
- 'Holocaust Testimonies as Language Resources', 21 May 2024, Turin, Pre-conference workshop at COLING-LREC 2024 website
- CLARIN-EHRI Workshop 'Natural Language Processing Meets Holocaust Archives', Charles University Prague, 27-28 March 2024
- 'Large Language Models and Libraries', CLARIN and Libraries Workshop, 5 December 2023, National Library of Norway
- 'What can you do with the CLARIN research infrastructure?' Pre-conference workshop at Corpus Linguistics 2023 Conference
- CLARIN-EHRI Workshop 'Making Holocaust Oral Testimonies More Usable as Research Data', King's College London, 15 May 2023
- 'CLARIN Café: Online and Desktop Tools for Querying a Language Corpus' online event, 15 September 2022
- 'Teaching with CLARIN' Pre-conference Workshop at TaLC 2022, 13 July 2023
- 'CLARIN and Libraries' Workshop, 9-10 May 2022, KB National Library of the Netherlands.
- 'NLP Tools for Historical Documents' workshop, 9-10 September 2019, BBAW, Berlin.
- 'Digital Youth in East Asia: Theoretical, Methodological and Technical Issues' workshop, 10-12 October 2017, Université Libre de Bruxelles.
- CLARIN workshop on Oral History & Technology, 10-12 May 2017, Siena University, Arezzo, Italy.
- CLARIN-UK: Promoting Cross-disciplinary Corpus Linguistics, 24 July 2017, pre-conference workshop at Corpus Linguistics 2017 Conference
- 'Working with Digital Collections of Newspapers', CLARIN-PLUS Workshop, 19-21 September 2016, University of Leuven, Belgium.
- 'Exploring Spoken Word Data in Oral History Archives', CLARIN-PLUS Workshop, 18-19 April 2016, University of Oxford.
- 'Exploring Historical Sources with Language Technology: Results and Perspectives' workshop, 8-9 December 2014, Huygens ING, Netherlands.
- 'Using CLARIN for Digital Research', DH2014 Tutorial Workshop, Lausanne, Switzerland agenda
- 'User Involvement Meeting' CLARIN workshop, 19-20 June 2014, University of Utrecht, Netherlands.
- 'CLARIN, Standards and the Text Encoding Initiative' pre-conference workshop, 30 September 2013, Sapienza Universitá di Roma
website schedule
- 'Discovering Babel: How to make your language resources discoverable', A one-day workshop at the Oxford Text Archive, Friday 24th June 2011 poster
- “Language corpora are no longer necessary for linguistic research.”, Debate organized as a pre-conference workshop at ICAME2011, Oslo, 1 June 2011 flyer
- 'Shared Services for the Humanities' CHAIN, the Coalition of Humanities and Arts Infrastructures and Networks workshop, 3-4 April 2011, University of Oxford.
- 'CHAIN – Coalition of Humanities and Arts Infrastructures and Networks', panel session convened and chaired at DH2010, King's College, London, July 2010.
- 'Supporting the Digital Humanities: putting the jigsaw together' panel session convened and chaired by Martin Wynne, DH2009, Maryland, USA.
- 'Corpus Approaches to the Language of Literature', Colloquium at Corpus Linguistics 2009, University of Liverpool schedule summary
- 'Resources and methods for corpus stylistics', pre-conference workshop at PALA 2007, Kansai Gaidi University, Japan.
- 'Corpus Approaches to the Language of Literature', Colloquium at Corpus Linguistics 2007, University of Birmingham abstracts
- 'New Horizons in Linguistics', Symposium, 20 September 2007, Oxford eResearch Centre programme
- 'Oxford Text Archive at 30', Symposium, 2006, University of Oxford programme>
- 'Corpus stylistics', pre-conference workshop at PALA 2006, 25 July 2006, Joensuu, Finland.
- 'Corpus Approaches to the Language of Literature' Methods Network workshop, 17-18 May 2006, University of Oxford.
- 'Corpus Approaches to the Language of Literature', pre-conference workshop at Corpus Linguistics 2005, University of Birmingham, 14 July 2005. call for papers
- 'Identifying and Researching Multi-Word Units', BAAL Corpus Linguistics SIG / Oxford Text Archive Workshop details
Oxford University Computing Services, 21 April 2005.
- 'Corpus Linguistics Resources', Pre-conference workshop at Eurocall 2003, 1 September 2003, University of Limerick, Ireland.
- 'Developing Linguistic Corpora', Symposium, 19 July 2002, University of Oxford. details