My research interests have bridged the fields of Strategic Management and
Intellectual Property Law and primarily concerned Intellectual Property
Management. This included material which might fall within the fields of
Business and Corporate Strategy, Intellectual Property Law, Management of
Intellectual Property, Management of Technology, Valuation of Technology and
Intellectual Property, Asian Studies and especially but not exclusively,
Japanese Studies - relating to the above topics. My research in the past has also
included work on international acquisitions.
1) Books / Public Research Reports
UK Intellectual Property Awareness Survey 2010 Mar 2011
The UK IP Office published a report on the UK IP awareness survey work I
carried out for the UK IPO. (see:
This was mentioned by the Minister for IP, Baroness Wilcox in a speech in
Plymouth in March 2011 (
). The report was also cited in Ch.9 of the recent UK Government’s
Hargreaves’ review of IP which currently provides the basis for IP policy
in the UK.
Intellectual Property Enforcement in Smaller UK Firms Apr 2010
A Report for the Strategy Advisory Board for Intellectual Property Policy
published by the UK IPO (with co-authors)(see:
The report was also cited in Ch.8 of the recent UK Government’s
Hargreaves’ review of IP.
ACCA Research Report 107 “Intermediation of Intellectual Property
Awareness” Aug 2009
Report on ESRC Funded project on intermediation of IP awareness by, inter alia,
Published by ACCA (see:
UK Intellectual Property Awareness Survey 2006 Mar 2007
The UK IP Office published a report on the UK IP awareness survey work I
carried out for the UK IPO and the IPI. (see: . This formed the lead publication for the
UK’s contribution to the WIPO World Intellectual Property Day in March
2007 and was mentioned by the Science and Innovation Minister Malcolm Wicks in
a press release that day. (see :
Patents for Genetic Sequences: The Competitiveness of current UK law and practice May 2004 (Report published by the Intellectual Property Institute for DTI) (with co-authors).
Business Implications of Business Method Patents, Intellectual Property
Institute, London Aug 2003 (with
This was referred to in Ch.6 of the recent 2011 UK Government Hargreaves review
of IP
The Management of International Acquisitions, Oxford, Oxford University Press
Feb 2001
(with co-authors).
[Favourably reviewed in both the FT and Academy of Management Review and now
also available in paperback]
Past Series Co-Editor: New Horizons in
Intellectual Property, Edward Elgar
2) Journal Publications
International Journal of Technology Management Vol. 59, No. 3/4, pp163-179
June 2012
“Intellectual Property Awareness”
The WIPO Journal, Vol.2 Issue 1, p49-58 Nov 2010
“Intellectual Property Enforcement in Smaller UK Firms: Findings from a
Survey in 2009–2010”
(with co-authors)
R&D Management, Vol. 37 Issue 5, p496-498, Nov 2007
“Intellectual Property Management in R&D Collaborations: The Case of
Service Industry Sector. By Martin A. Bader.” (Review)
ChiZaiKanri (IP Management) Vol. 53 No.2
pp.229-252 (In Japanese) Feb 2003
(Journal of the Japan Intellectual Property Association)
Patent Valuation (Part 1) (Translated by S. Kimiaki
of the Japanese Patent Office)
ChiZaiKanri (IP Management) Vol. 53 No.3
pp.463-472 (In Japanese) Mar 2003
Patent Valuation (Part 2) (Translated by S. Kimiaki
of the Japanese Patent Office)
International Journal of Human Resource Management Vol.13 No.1 pp.106-122
Feb 2002
"International M&A in the UK 1985-1984:A Comparison of National Human
Relations Practices"
(with co-authors).
Research Policy Vol.30 Issue 3 pp.425-442 Feb 2001
“Intellectual Property Strategy in Japanese and UK companies: Patent
Decisions and Learning Opportunities”
Journal of Management Studies Vol. 37 Issue 1 Jan 2000
“Foreign Direct Investment in the UK 1985-1994 : The Impact on Domestic
Management Practice”
(with co-authors).
British Journal of Management Vol. 10 Issue 3 pp.185-198 Sep 1999
“Changes in Management Practice and the post-acquisition performance
by direct investors in the UK”. (with
OIPRC Electronic Journal of Intellectual Property Rights WP 10/99 Nov 1999
“The European Patent System : Implementing Patent Law
Harmonisation” (no longer on OIPRC website but available on this website at
OIPRC Electronic Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, WP 05/99 May 1999
"The Valuation of Patents : A review of patent valuation methods with
consideration of option based methods and the
potential for further research" (no longer on OIPRC website but available on
this website at EJWP0599.pdf)
IP Forum, Tokyo 1999 Autumn Vol.39 pp.24-33 1999
”Patent Valuation & Patent Statistics”
IP Forum, Tokyo 1996 Spring Vol.25 pp.34-43 1996
“Harmonisation and Intellectual Property”
3) Book Chapters
“IP Strategy” April 2007
Ch. 5.1 in “Intellectual Property Management in Health and Agricultural
Innovation”. Centre for Management of Intellectual Property in Health
Research and Development (MIHR). Oxford / Public Intellectual Property Resource
for Agriculture (PIPRA). (Chapter also available in Vietnamese:
“Patent Valuation and Real Options” 2006
Ch.14 in “The Management of Intellectual Property” Edward Elgar,
Bosworth, D. & Webster, E. (eds).
“Business Method Patents and Venture Capital Investment
decisions” 2006
Ch.3 in “Economic and Management Perspectives on Intellectual Property
Rights” Palgrave Macmillan
van Pottelsberghe, B., Peeters,
C. (eds). p.58-79
“The Valuation of patents: a review of patent valuation methods with
consideration of 2003
option based methods and the potential for further
Ch. 3.2 in “Intellectual Assets: Valuation and Capitalization” pp.
42-65, United Nations
Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) United Nations, Geneva
“Commercialization of Intellectual Assets” 2003
Ch. 4.2 in “Intellectual Assets: Valuation and Capitalization” pp
131-134, United Nations
Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) United Nations, Geneva
“Integrating Acquisitions” March 2003
in Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions, Elsevier / JAI Series, Cooper, C.,
& Gregory, A. (Eds), Vol.2 (with co-authors)
“Organisational change processes in international acquisitions”
March 2003
in Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions, Elsevier / JAI Series, Cooper, C.,
& Gregory, A. (Eds), Vol.2 (with co-authors)
“Analysing the Environment” February 2003
Volume 1, Chapter 9 in Oxford Handbook of Strategy. Oxford, Oxford University
“National Differences in Acquisition Integration” April 2000
in “Cooperative Strategies: Economic, Business and Organizational
Oxford, OUP (with co-authors).
“Patent Valuation and Patents Statistics” March 2000
Invited chapter in 10th Anniversary Festschrift of the Institute of
Intellectual Property, Tokyo
IEBM Handbook of Management Thinking, ITBP 1997
Invited entry entitled “Nonaka, Ikujiro”
4) E-Published Reviews
A review of “Patent Enforcement Worldwide: A Survey of 15 Countries -
Writings in Feb 2006
Honour of Dieter Stauder, IIC Studies Series Vol. 23,
2nd Edition by Heath, Christopher
and Petit, Laurence (eds.)” published at by World Trade
Global and European Law Books Review Program, NYU School of Law
5) Published Working Papers
The Judge Institute, University of Cambridge Working Paper WP 31/97 Sept.
"Foreign direct investment in the UK 1985-1994 : the impact on domestic management
practice".(with co-authors).
The Judge Institute, University of Cambridge Working Paper WP 21/97 Aug.
"The Valuation of Patents : A review of patent valuation methods with
consideration of
option based methods and the potential for further
ESRC Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge Working Paper WP
77 Dec. 1997
"Foreign Direct Investment in the UK 1985-1994:The Impact on Domestic
Management Practice”
(with co-authors).
Templeton College, Oxford Working Papers
"The Valuation of Intellectual Property" April 1993
"Intellectual Property, Counterfeits, Product Quality & Firm
Strategy” (with co-author). Feb 1993
6) Research Impact outside Academia : Papers/Presentations
Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys Annual Congress Sep 2011
Invited speaker “SMEs & IP”
WIPO Seminar on IP valuation for Technology Transfer, HPO, Budapest, Hungary
Oct 2010
Invited speaker “When and why is IP valuation relevant for research
institutes and TTOs?”
Belgian Federal Public Service Economy Seminar on occasion of the Belgian EU
Presidency Sep 2010
“From knowledge to competitiveness”
Invited Panelist “Intellectual property as
driving force for competitiveness and innovation”
EPO Conference “Promoting technology transfer & IP in universities”
Budapest, Hungary May 2010
Invited keynote speech “Promoting Technology Transfer & IP in
Universities: The advantages
of Technology Transfer Offices”
British Institute of International & Comparative Law / Intellectual
Property Institute Mar 2010
Seminar entitled “Costs in lookalike cases – Is Europe a level
playing field?”
Invited speaker “Lookalike Cases in Europe – a pilot survey”
EPO Workshop "Disseminating IP knowledge & developing IP expertise
at universities" Mar 2010
EPO The Hague, The Netherlands.
Invited keynote speech : “Creating an IP culture in universities”
EPO Workshop "Disseminating IP knowledge in universities" Oslo,
Norway. Sep 2009
Invited keynote speech : “Creating an IP culture in universities”
WIPO Meeting of Expert Group for Defining the Scope and the Methodology for
Sep 2009
National Surveys/Studies on Intellectual Property and SMEs, Geneva, Switzerland
Invited Speech : “Intellectual Property Awareness & SMEs: UK IP
Awareness Survey 2006”
Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys Annual Congress Sep 2009
Invited keynote speaker “Mind the Gaps”
Southeast Regional Meeting of Fortec at Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil Nov 2009
Invited speaker “Patent Valuation Methods: Rules of Thumb to Real Options
Balancing practical and theoretical approaches”
WIPO International Conference on IP Management Education & Research July
Invited speech “Mind the Gaps :Integrating IP teaching in Business,
Science and Law curricula”
WIPO Executive Program “Strategic IP Management” April 2008
UCT Graduate School of Business Cape Town South Africa : Invited lecturer
UK Foreign Office / INPI Brazil / UK IPO, Rio de Janeiro , Brazil Mar 2008
Invited speech "Introducing to the market place
and commercialising new intangible assets"
European Patent Office, Economic Advisory Group Nov 2007
Invited speech on “Results of the latest survey in the UK” (on IP
European Patent Office / Ministry of Economic Development, Rome
Regional roving workshop on “Dissemination of IP Knowledge in
Universities” Nov 2007
Invited speech on “Integrating IP teaching in Business and Science
European Patent Office / National Board of Patents and Registration of
Finland, Helsinki
Regional roving workshop on “Dissemination of IP Knowledge in
Universities” Oct 2007
Invited speech on “Integrating IP in Science Curricula”
Intellectual Property Advisory Network, London July 2007
Invited speech “UK Intellectual Property Awareness Survey 2006”
2nd “Industrial Property: les Entretiens de
Paris” symposium organised by HEC/INPI/ May 2007
Les Echos and the EPO. Invited speech “Managing
IP portfolios, an academic perspective”
WIPO International Symposium on IP Academies, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Mar
Invited speeches “Economics and Management of IP” & “IP
WIPO Executive Program “Strategic Innovation, Technology & IP
Management” April 2007
WIPO, Geneva: Invited Lecturer
EPO Workshop "How to integrate patent-related IP teaching in
universities" EPO Berlin Mar 2006
Invited Expert Participant
1st “Industrial Property: les Entretiens de
Paris” symposium organised by HEC/INPI/ May 2006
Les Echos and the EPO. Invited speeches “The
econometric approach: Patent Values and
Patent Data” & “Patent Valuation Methods: A critical
5th European Policy for IP Conference (EPIP), Copenhagen Mar 2005
Speech (invited by European Patent Office): Political Economy of the European
Patent System
Association of Danish Industrial Property Executives (DIP), Copenhagen Nov
Invited Speech at Autumn Meeting
"A safe haven for ideas and inventions" FT Mastering Innovation
Series, Sept 2004
Financial Times, London
Scandinavian International Management Institute, Copenhagen Dec 2003
Business of Intellectual Property Course
Copenhagen Business School / Danish Patent Office Lecture on IP, Copenhagen
Feb 2003
Invited lecture on "The Strategic Management of Intellectual Property
UNECE, High Level Task Force on Valuation and Capitalization of Intellectual
Assets, Nov 2002
Palais des Nations, Geneva
Invited paper on “Commercialisation of Intellectual Assets”
UNECE, High Level Task Force on Valuation and Capitalization of Intellectual
Assets, Nov 2002
Palais des Nations, Geneva
Invited paper on “Valuation of Patents”
(Also translated into Russian by Prof. Anatoly Kozyrev of the Russian Academy
of Sciences Central Economics and Mathematics Institute ).
Japanese Institute of Invention and Innovation / IIP , Tokyo Oct 2001
“The Business implications of Business Method Patents”
UK Patent Office, Department for Science and Technology of the Embassy of
France July 2001
Roundtable (30 participants) on “Transferring Knowledge from the Academic
to the
Economic World” Invited participant.
The Institute of Intellectual Property, Tokyo Sep 1999
Invited speech (in Japanese).- ”Patent Valuation & Patent
Research Fund of the European Patent Office : Research Report April 1996
“The Past, Present and Potential Benefits to International Business of
Patent Harmonisation
- with particular reference to use made of the European Patent System by
Japanese companies”
The Institute of Intellectual Property, Tokyo Jan 1996
Invited speech (in Japanese).-
”Harmonisation and Intellectual Property Management”
American Chamber of Commerce in Japan - IP Committee Tokyo Nov 1995
Invited speech - “Patent Application Incentives & Patent Management
in Japan”
The Institute of Intellectual Property Tokyo June 1995
“Report concerning a Questionnaire based Comparative Survey on the use
and management
of Intellectual Property in the UK and Japan”
3rd European Congress on Innovation Management & Patents, Copenhagen May
Proceedings published by The European Commission
Invited speech "Japan : Do the results of University Research Benefit
National Industries?"
7) Academic Conferences /Seminars : Papers/Presentations
Aberystwyth University, School of Management and Business Seminar Series Oct
Invited Seminar “Strategic Management & Intellectual Property
5th Annual Conference of the EPIP Association, Maastricht, Netherlands Sept
a) Refereed Paper entitled “Intellectual property awareness amongst UK
firms 2006-2010”
b) Refereed Paper entitled “Intellectual property enforcement in smaller
UK firms” (with co-authors)
Oxford Intellectual Property Research Centre Seminar May 2009
Invited seminar :"IP Awareness in the UK: The Role of Professional
European Intellectual Property Teachers Network, Newcastle University Law
School. June 2009
Invited speech : “University IP Culture and IP Education”
AEA Patent and Innovation Conference, Hitotsubashi
University, Japan Dec 2008
Refereed paper “Intellectual Property Awareness”
Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia Aug 2007
Refereed Paper entitled “Intellectual Property Awareness”
ESRC / ACCA “SME’s Intangibles and Access to Finance”
Forum, London July 2007
Invited speech “UK Intellectual Property Awareness Survey 2006”
R&D Management Conference, Bremen July 2007
Refereed Paper entitled “Intellectual Property Awareness and IP
European Intellectual Property Teachers Network, Aston Business School,
Birmingham. June 2007
“Mind the Gap : IP education for Managers, Management education for IP
EVPAT EIB Seminars on “The economic valuation of patents”
University of Bologna April 2007
Invited speech “Advanced methods for patent valuation: The application of
real options”
(The content of this seminar is the subject of a chapter in a book proposal
linked to the EVPAT project).
Applied Econometrics Association "Innovation and intellectual property,
July 2004
economic and managerial perspectives"Conference,
INSEAD, Singapore
Paper entitled :“Business Method Patents and Venture Capital Investment
Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi
University, Japan July 2004
“Business Method Patents and Venture Capital Investment Decisions”
Cambridge University Law Faculty IP Unit, Cambridge Mar 2004
Roundtable (30 Participants) on Patents and Human Genetic Inventions
Invited speech : “Japan : Biotechnology Patents and Human Stem Cell
Open University Business School, Milton Keynes Mar 2002
Invited Seminar “Intellectual Property Management in the UK and
City University Business School, London Nov 2001
Invited Seminar “Intellectual Property Strategy in Japanese and UK
companies: Patent Licensing
Decisions and Learning Opportunities”
St. Catherine’s College (Oxford University) Kobe Institute IP
Conference Sep 2001
Kobe, Japan “The Business implications of Business Method Patents”
St.Catherine's College, Oxford Mar. 2000
Invited speech "Intellectual Property & E-Commerce" OU CPD
E-Business Conference 2000
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ookayama, Tokyo,
Japan Sept 1999
Invited speech (in Japanese).- An Introduction to Patent Systems
St. Catherine’s College (Oxford University) Kobe Institute IP
Conference April 1999
Kobe, Japan “IPR Valuation & Implicit Real Options”
International Symposium on Innovation and Patents
Hitotsubashi University, Japan Feb. 1999
Invited paper "The European Patent System and Innovation"
Oxford Intellectual Property Research Centre Seminar Feb. 1999
Invited seminar “The European Patent System and Innovation: Help, Hindrance or Irrelevance?
International Symposium on Management of Technology and Technological
Hangzhou, P.R. China Nov. 1998
“Intellectual Property Strategy: Licensing decisions and learning
British Academy of Management Annual Conference, Nottingham Sept. 1998
“Intellectual Property strategy: licensing decisions and learning
theoretical implications of Japanese and UK practice”
R&D Management Conference, Avila Spain Sept. 1998
“Licensing, litigation and learning: inter-company intellectual property
management in Japan and the UK”
Balliol College , Oxford, July 1998
5th International Conference on Multi-Organisational Partnerships &
Co-operative Strategy
"Differing National Management Styles in M&A: Approaches to
Integrating Acquisitions" (with co-authors)
British Academy of Management Annual Conference, London (with co-authors)
Sept. 1997
“Foreign Direct Investment in the UK 1985-1994 : The Impact on Domestic
Management Practice”
2nd Anglo-Brazilian Business Conference, Belo Horizonte, Brazil Sept. 1997
“Management of Foreign Acquisitions in Great Britain” (with
Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil; Sept. 1997
“Management of Foreign Acquisitions in Great Britain : Qualitative and
Quantitative Research”
Paper presented at seminar at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (with
Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil; Sept. 1997
“Academic Research and Intellectual Property Advice : University
Industrial Liaison Offices”
Presentation to UFMG Central Administration and standing committee on patents
Balliol College, Oxford July 1997
4th Int’l Conf. on Multi-Organisational Partnerships & Co-operative
Strategy (with co-authors)
“Multi-Organisational Management Change through Foreign Acquisitions : A
Qualitative Perspective”
St. Peter's College, Oxford March 1997
New Developments in IP Law & Economics Conference
“The Valuation of Individual IPRs : A review and consideration of
Association of Japanese Business Studies Ann Arbor June 1995
AJBS Annual Conference Best Papers Collection
Invited paper - "Patent Application Filing Incentives in Japan" -
accepted by blind review procedure.
One of 13 papers selected for publication in the conference Best Papers
Annual Conf. of the Japan Society for Hitotsubashi
Oct 1993
Science Policy & Research Management University , Tokyo
"Intellectual Property and Patents in Japanese & Western High
Technology Companies" (in Japanese)
Japan German Centre Berlin Aichi University June 1993
Special Exchange Programme Conference Japan
"Intellectual Property and Patents in Japanese and Western High Technology
Companies" .
My past teaching primarily involved tutorials in General Management and
Strategic Management to undergraduates studying Economics & Management as
well as lectures on IP Management to a wide variety of students via the Oxford
Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
Since arriving in Oxford in October 1997 my teaching included the following :
Economics and Management & Engineering/Materials Economics and
Management (Undergraduate Courses) :
Introduction to Management Tutorials and Lectures
Strategic Management Tutorials and Lectures
Technology Management Lectures (Engineering Students)
In 2003 I was Convenor of E&M, & E(M)EM Finals Examiners and an
examiner for those final exams from 2002-2004 and have been a Finals Assessor
for the E&M Strategic Management paper on numerous occasions.
MBA (Graduate Course Lectures)
Technology & Innovation Strategy Core-Elective
Advanced Strategic Management Elective
Intellectual Property and Innovation Elective
(devised and taught jointly with Dr. C.Greenhalgh of St.Peter’s
who taught the economics of innovation element).
MBA (Graduate Course Supervision)
Business Development Projects
Consulting Projects
MSc (Graduate Course Tutorials)
Intellectual Property Management
Science Enterprise Centre (SEC) / Oxford Centre for Entrepreneurship and
Innovation, Oxford University
Management element of Building a Business course for graduate scientists
Intellectual Property Advisory Group
I was
until Oct 2022 a member of Oxford University’s main advisory group on IP
Matters and as such also taught on IP Awareness courses arranged by the group
and the SEC for Science divisions within the University.
University of Victoria / St. Peter’s College Intellectual Property Summer
I regularly
taught IP Management on this course which was held in Victoria, Canada and
Oxford in alternate years for several years.
In December 2003 I devised and taught a week long executive education course on
IP Management for the Scandinavian International Management Institute (SIMI) in
Copenhagen. I’ve also helped devise and taught on a similar course
for the World Intellectual Property Organisation in Geneva in 2007 &
in UCT GSB, Cape Town in 2008.
Various talks on IP & IP management to various OU faculties /
divisions (inc Pharmacology, 1997-2002 Social
Sciences, etc.) and various executive education seminars on IP Management
arranged by OU CPD
Past Editorial board memberships:
Journal of Strategic Management Education
International Journal of Intellectual Property Management
Journal Papers for :
Academy of Management Journal
Research Policy
R&D Management
Studies of Science
British Journal of Management
International Business Review
International Journal of the Economics of Business
International Journal of Innovation Management
Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice
for :
University Press
Cambridge University Press
Grant Applications for :
Other Past Roles (all now retired from):
University Intellectual Property Advisory Group (IPAG)
(Member of Oxford University Committee advising Council on IP policy)
Member of the Oxford Intellectual Property Research Centre (OIPRC)
(Governing committee within the OU Law Faculty for the OIPRC)
Council Member, Intellectual Property Institute, London
Institute of Patent Attorneys
Member of Intellectual Property Awareness Group Committee
Member of Academic Liaison Committee