the Oxford Financial Research Centre
University of Oxford has one of the largest and most active group of
academic researchers in finance in Europe.
Its strength comes from combining academics in several different
departments of the University. They
bring different approaches and disciplines to the subject so that together
they span a wealth of specialities in finance.
Oxford Financial Research Centre (OFRC) is the umbrella organization that
brings together researchers in finance working across the University of
are researchers in the Economics,
Law, Maths
and Physics departments and in
the Saïd Business School.
Researchers in the Economics
Department are particularly interested in the microeconomics of financial
markets, principal-agent models and financial econometrics.
Research in the Law Faculty
focuses on the regulatory and legal aspects of financial markets and
the Faculty of Mathematics,
members of the Mathematical
Finance Group work on a range of applications of mathematics in
finance, including classical and non-classical market models and
theoretical and numerical aspects of derivatives pricing. The
group's approach is practically oriented and organized through the Nomura
Centre and the Centre for
Computational Finance.
at the interface between Physics
and finance includes the development of multi-agent market models to
financial markets.
Researchers in the Saïd
Business School specialize in empirical and theoretical aspects of
asset pricing and corporate finance. Research
in finance at the University of Oxford is a rapidly expanding area.
There are opportunities for masters students, doctoral
students, post-doctoral researchers, faculty, practitioners and
policymakers to become involved in its activities.
Recent activities are described
here and the faculty,
doctoral and postdoctoral researchers involved in the Centre under People