Clarendon Lectures in Finance
The 2005 Clarendon Lecturer in Finance is Prof.
Maureen O'Hara
: Robert W. Purcell Professor of Management, Professor of Finance |
Microstructure in a Theory of Finance
June 13th
Markets and Asset Pricing
first lecture examined how information risks in securities trading
affect returns on assets. Prof O'Hara described a measure of the
proportion of information based trades (PINs) based on data on buy
and sell trades of individual stocks. She used this measure in
factor models of asset pricing to establish the extent to which
the proportion of information based trades affects share price
returns. Prof O'Hara reported that the PINS were both
statistically and economically significant and dominated all other
variables in explaining returns.
Second Lecture
About Maureen O'Hara
Robert W. Purcell Professor of Finance
PhD, Northwestern University
Professor O'Hara's research focuses on
issues in market microstructure, and she is the author of
Market Microstructure Theory
(Blackwell:1995) as well as numerous journal articles. Her most
recent research has focused on the role of underwriters in the
aftermarket trading of IPOs, the impact of transparency on trading
system performance, listing and delisting issues in securities
markets, designing markets for developing markets, and the role of
liquidity and information risk in asset pricing. In addition, Dr.
O'Hara publishes widely on a broad range of topics including
banking and financial intermediaries, law and finance, and
experimental economics.
Professor O’Hara is the executive editor of the
Review of Financial Studies. She has served as president of
the Western Finance Association, and as president of the American
Finance Association. Professor O’Hara is on the board of directors
of Investment Technology Group, Inc. (ITG), an agency brokerage
firm, where she serves as lead director and chair of the
compensation committee. Professor O’Hara is also chairman of the
board of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Rochester. She has
consulted for a number of companies and organizations, including
Microsoft, Merrill Lynch, Credit Suisse First Boston, the New York
Stock Exchange, Bristol-Meyers Squibb, and the World Federation of
Professor O'Hara joined the faculty at Cornell in 1979. She has
held visiting faculty appointments at UCLA, the London Business
School, the University of New South Wales, the Hong Kong
University of Science and Technology and Cambridge University. She
earned her BS in economics from the University of Illinois and her
MS in economics and PhD in finance from Northwestern University.
About the Clarendon Lectures in Finance
"In 1987 Oxford University Press established the Clarendon Lectures in Economics, the first in what has become a wide range of Clarendon Lectures series. The Press sponsors the visit to Oxford of a distinguished economist who delivers three public lectures to undergraduates, graduates and faculty members from Oxford and nearby universities. The lectures form the basis of a book which is published by the Press. Many of these books have made a notable contribution to the literature.
To reflect the growth of the academic study of Finance in Business Schools and Economics Faculties generally and in particular in our own Said Business School the Press
has established a series of Clarendon Lectures in Finance.
Other Past Clarendon Lectures
Lecture 2004
Click here
for slides and articles
Lecture 2003
Currency Crises
Bubbles and Crises
Lecture 2002