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General Information about the Symposium


The Said Business School offers superb research facilities.  Symposium participants are provided with shared luxury accommodation and office space, and there are numerous seminar rooms which allow interaction with others on an informal basis. 


There are bar and restaurant facilities in the School and many restaurants in close proximity.  The School is immediately adjacent to the station, allowing easy access to other parts of the UK, including London, which is one hour by train.


A number of newly built apartments have been reserved within a few minutes walking distance from the School. These apartments have two twin-bedded rooms, sitting room, bathrooms, fax machines etc.


We anticipate that in most cases, there will be two participants to each apartment and this will allow for accommodation of partners. In those cases where participants wish to come with a family, it may be possible to allocate a complete apartment, but participants will then be asked to pay for the second room.


On week days, lunch will be provided in the business school and we will go to a restaurant or Oxford College on most week day evenings during the Symposium.


We may organize some social events during the Symposium but no firm plans have yet been made for these. In any event, June is one of the most pleasant months of the year in Oxford and there is an immense amount to do both in and around Oxford.


We will pay for the lowest cost, economy return flight to London for participants but not for anyone accompanying them. Please consult the symposium co-ordinator before booking your flight.


Participants will be responsible for other costs incurred during the Symposium.


Places are being allocated by invitation only, on a strictly first come first served basis, but preference will be given to those who can stay for the entire symposium.


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Symposium Administrator Christine Seal, 01865 288902, christine.seal@sbs.ox.ac.uk



On arrival in Oxford

How to reach us

Symposium accommodation