Corporate Hedging and Optimal Disclosure
Clara Raposo
This paper considers the issue of disclosure of hedging
choices. It is shown that disclosure is the preferred choice of both
managers and shareholders if it removes completely the informational
asymmetry among the manager and the shareholders concerning the business
opportunities and risks faced by them; the optimal reward cum insurance
contract for the manager can thereby implemented. If the nature of
feasible disclosure (that is credible) still leaves some informational
asymmetries present, then with the renegotiation of managerial contracts
at the interim date, it is possible to have the shareholders preferring
nondisclosure, whereas the manager prefers to disclose at the (some)
interim state(s), even though he might also prefer to commit to a policy
of non-disclosure ex ante. These results are quite new relative to the
extant literature on "hedge accounting", and take sophisticated
account of the impact of optional contracts for managers, and
renegotiations of these at the interim (post-disclosure) date.
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