Emerging Markets and Entry by Actively Managed Funds
Alexander Gümbel
This paper investigates the incentives of investors to set
up an actively managed fund in an emerging market or asset class. The
analysis highlights the role of agency problems between fund managers and
investors in determining this entry decision. It is shown that investors may
wish to set up a fund in a new market, only when another fund is also active
in that market. Fund entry into a new market can therefore be subject to a
co-ordination problem, which may result in no entry of funds. This problem
is acute when fund managers have little information about underlying asset
values. Equilibrium wage contracts for managers are derived for the case
when one or two managers are active in a market. It is shown that wage
contracts induce (i) overly aggressive trading by managers when two funds
are active in a market, and (ii) insufficiently aggressive trading when only
one manager is active. The evidence of country fund inception for emerging
markets is reviewed in light of this analysis and policy implications are
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