Resource Margin Accounting: Empirical Results for US
Manufacturing Companies 1983-1998Peter Johnson
In this paper empirical results are presented concerning
Resource Margin valuation models previously developed by the author. The
research tests the strength of the general linkages between resource margins
and valuation measures for a sample of approximately 300 US manufacturing
companies between 1983 and 1998. Good explanatory support is found for the
use of resource margins. In particular, the resource model developed has
greater explanatory power than traditional market-to-book models. In a
separate body of analysis, specific time-series valuation models for
individual companies are tested, for which the results are poor. For both
analyses, supplementary investigations have been carried out into multi-collinearity,
and heteroskedasticity for the ordinary least squares models developed.
Altogether the results are encouraging, but further work is required to
extend the sample of companies, and to develop improved general model
specifications to cope with problems of auto-correlation amongst the data
for individual companies.
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