Time Series Analysis of Financial Fragility in the UK Banking System
Charles A.E. Goodhart: Bank of England, London School of
Economics, and Financial Markets Group
Pojanart Sunirand: Bank of England and London School of Economics
Dimitrios P. Tsomocos: Bank of England, Said Business School and St. Edmund Hall, University of Oxford, and Financial Markets Group
This paper extends the model proposed by Goodhart, Sunirand, and Tsomocos
(2003, 2004a, b) to an infinite horizon setting. Thus, we are able to assess
how the model conforms with the time series data of the U.K. banking system.
We conclude that, since the model performs satisfactorily, it can be readily
used to assess financial fragility given its flexibility, computability, and
the presence of multiple contagion channels and heterogeneous banks and
JEL Classification: C68; E4; E5; G11; G21
Keywords: Financial Fragility; Systemic Risk; U.K. Banking System; Default
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