Price, Trade Size, and
Information Revelation in Multi-Period Securities Markets
Han N. Ozsoylev: Said Business School and Linacre
College, University of Oxford
Shino Takayama: Faculty of Economics and Business,
The University of Sydney
study price formation in securities markets, using the sequential trade
framework of Glosten and Milgrom. This paper makes one basic
methodological advance over previous research on sequential securities
trading: we allow traders to choose from n trade sizes in a multi-period
market, where n can be arbitrarily large. We examine how trade size
multiplicity affects the intertemporal dynamics of trading strategies,
bid-ask spreads, and information revelation. We show that price impact, as
a function of trade size, is increasing and exhibits (discrete) concavity.
Words: Market microstructure; Glosten-Milgrom; Price formation; Sequential
trade; Asymmetric information; Trade size; Bid-ask spreads
Classification Numbers: D82; G12
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