Capital Structure and
Seniority in Entrepreneurial Firms
Filippo Ippolito
Said Business School, University of Oxford
present a model of cash constrained entrepreneurs who need an investor to
finance their project. Investors can either be uninformed, such as
individual bondholders, or informed, such as venture capitalists and
banks. There is an entrepreneurial moral hazard problem, which can be
partially overcome through monitoring only by informed investors. However,
monitoring is only effective if investors can commit ex ante to liquidate
the project after observing a poor signal. We show that a capital
structure that minimizes commitment and information costs requires
informed investors to hold senior convertible debt, uninformed investors
to hold junior debt and entrepreneurs to hold common stock.
Classification: G21, G24, G32, G33
Keywords: bank, venture capital, monitoring, liquidation, seniority,
convertible debt
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