Risk of Default in Latin American Brady
I.Blauer and P.Wilmott
The 1989 Brady Plan, named after the former US Treasury
Secretary Nicholas Brady, was the restructuring and reduction of several
emerging countries' external debt into bonds with US Treasury bonds as
collateral. So far no country has ever defaulted payments, yet the market
value of these bonds is usually significantly lower than equivalent
'risk-free' bonds. Mexico was the first country to issue Brady bonds, in
February 1990, and there soon followed other Latin American, Eastern
European and Asian countries.
In this paper, we describe a stochastic model for the
instantaneous risk of default, applicable to many fixed-income instruments
and Brady bonds in particular. We make some simplifying assumptions about
this model and a model for the riskless short-term interest rate. These
assumptions allow us to find explicit solutions for the prices of risky
zero-coupon bonds and floating rate coupons. We apply the model to Latin
American Brady bonds, deducing the risk of default implied by market
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