Pricing and Hedging
Convertible Bonds Under Non-probabilistic Interest Rates
David Epstein, Richard Haber, Paul Wilmott
Two of the authors (DE and PW) recently introduced a
non-probabilistic spot interest rate model. The key concepts in this model
are the non-diffusive nature of the spot rate process and the uncertainty
in the parameters. The model assumes the worst possible outcome for the
spot rate path when pricing a fixed-income product. The model differs in
many important ways from the traditional approaches of fully deterministic
rates (as assumed when calculating yields, durations and convexities) or
stochastic rates governed by a Brownian motion. In this new model, delta
hedging and unique pricing play no role, nor does any market price of risk
term appear. In this paper we apply the model to the pricing of
convertible bonds. Later we show how to optimally hedge the interest rate
risk; this hedging is not dynamic but static. We show how to solve the
governing equation numerically and present results.
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