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Summary of the Working Papers
In “Financial Liberalisation and Capital Regulation in Open
Economies” joint with Alan Morrison (SBS), Lucy White (Harvard) described
how the regulator can introduce contagion into banking systems in the
absence of direct intelinkages between banks. The paper shows that there is
an externality introduced by the “cherry picking” of regulators. Banks will
prefer to be certified by high quality regulators, which will select the
best banks leaving other regulators to select from a worse pool. Banks that
are certified by the better regulator will be larger, more profitable and
have lower deposit rates. By imposing a level playing field through capital
requirements, such as those associated with the Basle Accord, the
externality can be diminished by setting requirements at the level
associated with the worst regulator.
Patrick Bolton (Columbia) considered why foreign debt to sovereign borrowers
is frequently in the form of bonds that include clauses that make them
difficult to renegotiate. In a paper entitled “Redesigning the International
Lender of Last Resort“ with David Skeel, he described how costly
renegotiation discourages borrowers from engaging in strategic default and
allows debt to act as a commitment device. However, these impediments to
debt restructuring come at a price and the authors argue that problems of
debt renegotiation would be better handled by proper bankruptcy procedures
that operated at the sovereign level. Such procedures would allow a coherent
and enforceable set of priority rules to be established, provide the basis
on which refinancing could be sort from the private sector and offer a
stronger rationale for the lender of last resort role for the IMF.
Oren Sussman (SBS) described a model of business cycles resulting from
financial distress and its impact on capital goods prices in a paper
entitled “Financial Distress, Bankruptcy Law and the Business Cycle”, joint
with Javier Suarez (CEMFI). During a boom, firms take on large amounts of
debt to meet high prices of capital goods and utilize the high value of
collateral available to them. Those that fall into financial distress then
have to liquidate assets, depressing prices of capital goods. This allows
new firms to start with low levels of debt and collateral which in turn
drives up capital goods prices and cycles result. In principle, softer
bankruptcy laws should mitigate the cycles by allowing debt relief for firms
in financial distress but because lenders anticipate lower recovery rates,
this results in them imposing larger collateral requirements on borrowers.
Howard Rosenthal (Princeton) considered the political factors that resulted
in the USA failing to implement a federal bankruptcy law for most of the
19th century. In a paper entitled “Power Rejected: Congress and Bankruptcy
in the Early Republic” with Erik Berglof, he described how voting on
bankruptcy law reforms in Congress followed ideological lines. The paper
uses a two-dimensional measure of ideology based on a legislator’s entire
voting record for all the years that the legislator served in Congress. The
first dimension captures economic left-right and the second the North-South
division on slavery. The authors find that the “left” undid the legislative
advances of the “right” in bankruptcy reform and preferences in Congress
were determined by volatile election outcomes. Attempts at reform by debt
ridden frontier states in the Senate were overturned by the more populous
states in the House.
Hulya Eraslan (Wharton School) presented a paper entitled “Debt
Restructuring and Voting Rules” in which she described how voting rules
employed by creditors in debt restructurings are frequently specified by
statute. For example, in the US debt restructuring outside of bankruptcy
requires unanimous agreement amongst creditors, while supermajority voting
is employed in Chapter 11 bankruptcy procedures. The paper argues that where
markets are liquid then the toughness associated with unanimity voting rules
benefits creditors more than the risk of disagreement hurts them. However,
where markets are illiquid then restructuring is almost impossible to
achieve with unanimity to the detriment of both creditors and debtors.
In “Devaluation Without Common Knowledge”, Celine Rochon (Universite
de Cergy-Pontoise) extends existing models of currency crises in a model of
an economy with a fixed exchange rate that suffers a random adverse shock.
The paper describes a game played by sequentially informed speculators that
has a unique symmetric Nash equilibrium. This strategy is the unique one to
survive the iterated elimination of dominated strategies. The shock provokes
speculators to sell the currency which in turn can trigger an endogenous
devaluation of the currency after some delay. The response of speculators to
the shock is affected by the Central Bank’s holding of reserves. There is
uncertainty about the initial level of reserves and the greater the
uncertainty about the reserves the longer the delay before speculators
respond and a devaluation is triggered.
In a paper entitled “The Effects of Biased Self-Perceptions in Teams” with
Simon Gervais, Itay Goldstein (Wharton School) described how overconfidence
can overcome team coordination problems. Organizations such as partnerships,
syndicates, boards of directors, are subject to free rider problems of
individual participants providing insufficient effort. The paper describes
how in the presence of complementarities, an individual who overestimates
his marginal productivity works harder to the benefit of his teammates who
in turn work harder to the benefit of the first individual. The presence of
a team leader is beneficial provided that the overestimation of ability does
not affect the team leader.
In “Reputation Effects in Trading on the New York Stock Exchange” with
Robert Battalio and Robert Jennings, Andrew Ellul (Indiana University)
examined theories of how non-anonymous based trading attenuates adverse
selection problems in market trading. The paper uses data on the location of
specialists on the New York Stock Exchange trading floor as a way of testing
reputation based theories of trading costs. In particular, the paper
examines what happens when specialists relocate on the floor and break
relations with some of their brokers. They report significant increases in
the cost of liquidity in the days surrounding the relocations. They find
that the increase is particularly pronounced for stocks with large adverse
selection and greater broker turnover.
Jan Werner (Minnesota) described how market crashes can occur in rational
expectations equilibrium. He showed that if there are bounds on possible
levels of liquidity then as the equilibrium price of an asset decreases a
critical value is reached at which the information of uninformed traders
changes from partial to full and a sudden discrete drop in prices results.
In essence, a point is reached where uninformed traders finally realize that
the information signal that informed traders possess is low and this causes
the rational expectations equilibrium price to switch from an uninformative
to an informative regime.
Pete Kyle (Duke) described “A Two-Factor Model of Value and Growth with
Adjustment Costs” in which one factor captures shocks to industry demand and
the other growth in demand. Innovations to the first factor are assumed to
command a large risk premium and the second small premia. There are
quadratic adjustment costs of investment and an option to scrap capital at
low valuations. Operational leverage makes the returns of firms volatile
when they are losing money. The paper shows that stocks with low growth
rates load strongly on the value factor and those with high growth on the
growth factor. Returns on value stocks are found to correlate strongly with
innovations in demand and those on growth stocks with innovations in future
Eric Hughson (Colorado) presented a paper co-authored with Jonathan Black
entitled “Can Boundedly Rational Agents Make Optimal Decisions? A Natural
Experiment”. In an attempt to overcome the distortions of laboratory
experiments, this paper looks at the behaviour of participants in a series
of TV games. The paper compares the behaviour of participants with optimal
strategies. They find that participants who behave suboptimally in the first
game almost always behave optimally in a subsequent game. The paper implies
that inferences cannot easily be drawn from laboratory experiments for the
behaviour of individuals outside of laboratories.