Sunday Library Meetings are 8:30 to 11.30pm (from 2nd Week, 16 Oct) in the rooms of our Librarians on Jowett Walk, which is off the Mansfield road, quite close to where we had fresher's drinks (see map). On alternate Sundays they will be in Louise's room (even weeks) and Owen's room (odd weeks). To get into the buildings, you will need the door codes. If you didn't get the e-mail announcement containing the codes, please e-mail Mark and Tim.
To get to Louise's room: Go in through the gates (code required) turn left and go up the steps. Then go right over the bridge and into the first tower on your right (code required). Then go up one flight of stairs and right through the doors. The room is first on the left (room 2-7).
To get to Owen's room: Go in through the gates (code is required) turn left and go up the steps. Then go right over the bridge and into the second tower on your right (code required). Then go through the doors to your left and the room is in front of you (room 4-2).
Wednesday discussion and author meetings (see below for topics) are held at 8pm in Jesus College in Seminar Room A. From the entrance to Jesus, go straight across first quad, through an archway into second quad and turn right. Go through another archway and turn left. Staircase XVIII is the modern block straight ahead. Go up the steps and through the door.
Wednesday video meetings (see below for programme) start at 8pm in in Holywell Manor TV room. Holywell Manor is on the corner of St Cross and Manor Roads (on the way to St Catz) - see map. Go straight in the front door and straight ahead into the bar. Then turn left and go through the double doors next to the bar and you'll be in the TV room.
9 Oct | Sunday | 1st Week | Freshers' Drinks |
4-6pm in the Holywell Manor bar.
Holywell Manor is on the corner of St Cross and Manor Roads (on the way to St Catz) - see
map. Go straight in the front door and straight ahead into the bar. It would probably be a bad idea to include a link to descriptions of previous Freshers' Drinks. |
12 Oct | Wednesday | 1st Week | Discussion | OUSFG Awards discussion, led by Ruth. This will start the process of selecting the 2nd annual OUSFG Award, which is for the best "speculative fiction" novel published in paperback during the preceding year (i.e. October 2004 to September 2005 in this case). Come along to find out what's new, and discuss suggestions of what to read. We will pick a short-list next term, and have a final vote next summer. |
16 Oct | Sunday | 2nd Week | Bonus Video | The original Firefly TV series, which is continued in the just-released chart-topping movie, Serenity. 1-8pm at Tim's house (possibly continued in Louise's room after the Library Meeting). Contact Tim for details. |
19 Oct | Wednesday | 2nd Week | Video | The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy movie, introduced by Colin. |
26 Oct | Wednesday | 3rd Week | Author | Jon Courtenay Grimwood, probably in Jesus College (Seminar Room A as usual). |
2 Nov | Wednesday | 4th Week | Discussion | Tentacular Vikings Evening, organised by Tim. Working within the constraints of a few required plot elements can we come up with ideas and plot for a book or film? Previous stories have involved teleporting Swiss plane crash victims (or are they?) biotech (somehow involving the Great God Cthulhu and a naked cloned murderer played by SM Gellar), alien contact (superintelligent bears rescue space station survivors). Oh yes, and tentacular Vikings. |
7 Nov | Monday | 5th Week | Quiz | SF quiz - battle of wits and knowledge against Treksoc, Geeksoc, Docsoc, Tolksoc, and RPGsoc. 8pm, Lecture Room 2, Christ Church. |
9 Nov | Wednesday | 5th Week | Video | Angel Heart, introduced by Tim. |
16 Nov | Wednesday | 6th Week | Speaker / Workshop | Juliet E McKenna will run her popular creative writers' workshop. Maybe, with her advice, we'll even be able to turn the previous week's incoherent ramblings into a proper story. |
23 Nov | Wednesday | 7th Week | Video | The Chronicles of Riddick, introduced by Sebastian. |
26 Nov | Saturday | 7th Week | Party | Joint OUSFG/RPGSoc Christmas Party. Location to be decided. |
30 Nov | Wednesday | 8th Week | Silly Games |