Sunday Library Meetings are 8:30 to 11.30pm in the rooms of our Librarians on Jowett Walk, which is off the Mansfield road (see map). On alternate Sundays they will be in Louise's room (odd weeks) and Owen's room (even weeks). To get into the buildings, you will need the door codes. If you didn't get the e-mail announcement containing the codes, please e-mail Mark and Tim.
To get to Louise's room: Go in through the gates (code required) turn left and go up the steps. Then go right over the bridge and into the first tower on your right (code required). Then go up one flight of stairs and right through the doors. The room is first on the left (room 2-7).
To get to Owen's room: Go in through the gates (code is required) turn left and go up the steps. Then go right over the bridge and into the second tower on your right (code required). Then go through the doors to your left and the room is in front of you (room 4-2).
Wednesday discussion and author meetings (see below for topics) are held at 8pm in the Lady Brodie Room in St Hilda's. The room is in the Hall Building, which is the first one you see directly opposite you as you go through the gates, and it's signposted as soon as you go into hall.
Wednesday video meetings (see below for programme) start at 8pm in in Holywell Manor TV room. Holywell Manor is on the corner of St Cross and Manor Roads (on the way to St Catz) - see map. Go straight in the front door and straight ahead into the bar. Then turn left and go through the double doors next to the bar and you'll be in the TV room.
26 Apr | Wednesday | 1st Week | Video | The Island, introduced by Mark |
29 Apr | Saturday | 1st Week | Book Crawl | Raiding the second-hand bookshops of Oxford for new additions to the OUSFG library. |
3 May | Wednesday | 2nd Week | Author | OUSFG's own Frances Hardinge |
10 May | Wednesday | 3rd Week | Discussion | Faster Than Light Travel, led by Nick |
16 May | Tuesday | 4th Week | Quiz | SF quiz - battle of wits and knowledge against Treksoc, Docsoc, Tolksoc, and RPGsoc et al. 8pm, Lecture Room A, Magdalen College. |
17 May | Wednesday | 4th Week | Video | The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, introduced by Mark |
18 May | Thursday | 4th Week | We will see Wyrd Sisters together, 7:30pm. | |
24 May | Wednesday | 5th Week | Discussion | Space Elevators, led by James and Colin |
31 May | Wednesday | 6th Week | Video | Serenity, introduced by Tim |
7 Jun | Wednesday | 7th Week | Discussion | OUSFG Award discussion, led by Ruth |
10 Jun | Saturday | 7th Week | Punt Party | where we punt to Parsons' Pleasure, picnic, and perform the traditional OUSFG pantomime. 1-8pm. |
14 Jun | Wednesday | 8th Week | Discussion | Storytelling (in the Sibthorpe Room - also in St Hilda's - just down the corridor from the Lady Brodie Room) |
Bonus meeting: At the Library meeting on Sunday of 4th Week (14 May) there will be food - cook your own food and bring and share.