Sunday Library Meetings (from 2nd Week, 20th October)
are held from 8pm till late in Wadham, Holywell Court 1.
Go in the main entrance. Turn 90 degrees right and go straight leaving
the quad through the door ahead. Carry on across this quad and go into
the passageway behind the steps. The entrance to the librarian's room is in the
alcove on the left — the door is marked "1".
These evenings are an opportunity to socialise, and chat about life, the universe
and everything, whilst also perusing and borrowing from
OUSFG's library of over 1500 books.
Wednesday discussion meetings are held at 8pm in Wadham's Old Seminar Room (unless stated otherwise on the termcard below). Wadham is here. The Old Seminar Room is next to Staircase 30 at the top-right of this college map. We will be meeting at Wadham's main gate to find the room together, but if you come late, ask the porters or follow these directions:
From the main entrance to Wadham, go to Back Quad through the passage at the back right of the front quad. Go through the passageway to your left across the corner of back quad (the passageway with the war memorial), through the doors and then out of the door on the right. Go into the small courtyard to the left of the white round-ended building, then through the passageway on the left, and follow signs for the Old Seminar Room.Wednesday video meetings (except 3rd Week, see below) will be held at 8pm in Worcester College's Lecture Room B. This is on Staircase 5, on the right side of the main quad, but we'll meet outside to get into the college together.
Sign up for the ousfg-announce mailing list to receive a reminder and details for each meeting.
13 Oct | Sunday | 1st Week | Freshers' Cakes |
Drop in for obligation-free CAKE (not a lie!), drinks, nibbles, introductions, and conversation! 3–6pm in Wadham (map) New Seminar Room A, which is on Staircase 4 at the back-right corner of the main quad. |
16 Oct | Wednesday | 1st Week | Discussion | Desert Planet Books (or 10 books to read before you die). Our Michaelmas term kicks off, as is traditional, with a our annual discussion of the best books of all time. An excellent place to find out about the best books that you have not yet come across, and hopefully introduce the society to hidden gems that we have not heard of. |
23 Oct | Wednesday | 2nd Week | Discussion | Introduction to SF Conventions. After many of us enjoyed Nine Worlds this summer, we thought we could enthuse about Cons in general and spread the word on the discussions provoked by Nine Worlds in particular. |
30 Oct | Wednesday | 3rd Week | Video | Cabin in the Woods. A horror film written by Joss Whedon. Five college students take a vacation in a remote cabin in the woods. Things go... badly. 9pm in Balliol Lecture Room 23 (by the Senior Common Room at the top-right of this college map). Meet outside Balliol to find the room. |
6 Nov | Wednesday | 4th Week | Author | Charles Stross, author of The Laundry Files (Lovecraftian horror meets computer science), The Merchant Princes series (parallel worlds), and lots of other awesome stuff is coming to speak to us. This meeting will be held from 8pm in Wadham College's Okinaga Room (room should be signposted, or C on college plan, or ask the porters). Non-members are welcome for a small charge (£2) to cover expenses. |
13 Nov | Wednesday | 5th Week | Discussion | Tentacular Cards Against Vikings — collaborative story writing, now with cards! |
14 Nov | Thursday | 5th Week | Quiz | Oxford Geek Quiz — battle of wits and knowledge against Docsoc, Tolksoc, RPGsoc, et al. Bring your own round of questions if you like (don't tell anyone the answers). 8pm, Christ Church, Lecture Room 2 (Directions from WhoSoc.) |
20 Nov | Wednesday | 6th Week | Video | Contact. Astrophysicist Jodie Foster discovers a message from the stars. Quite well adapted from the novel by Carl Sagan. |
27 Nov | Wednesday | 7th Week | Author | OUSFG's own Whitney Dickson will discuss publishing and her novel, The First Born of the Dead. This meeting will be held in Wadham's Old Seminar Room. |
30 Nov | Saturday | 7th Week | Christmas Party | |
4 Dec | Wednesday | 8th Week | Video | Laputa: Castle in the Sky. Classic anime from Miyazaki. |