Most of our meetings are on Sundays at 8pm in Trinity College. We will meet at the Trinity Porter's Lodge from 7:50pm before making our way to the meeting room (usually the Teaching Room 5).
See below for details, sign up for the ousfg-announce mailing list to receive a reminder and details for each meeting, or check on Discord for smaller updates.
Please remember that Sunday is the first day of the Oxford Week, so do check the dates below if you are unsure.
19 Jan | Sunday | 1st Week | Trinity | Discussion | Desert Planet Movies. a.k.a. movie recommendations evening. Come recommend or be recommended SFF movies, and then to vote for the ones we would take with us if we were to get stranded on desert planet. In the future we might even watch a winner together! |
26 Jan | Sunday | 2nd Week | Trinity | Discussion | Cyberpunk (and other punks). Neo-noir detectives, technology run rampant, artifical life, all-powerful corporations and confusing random orientalism - you've probably watched or read something at least cyberpunk-influenced in your life. But what actually makes the genre? How did its prophetic visions emerge from the prosperity of the 80s? And what's the deal with all these other "___punk" genres? |
29 Jan | Wednesday | 2nd Week | Trinity Garden Room | Speaker |
An Evening of Science Fiction with Una McCormack,
OUSFG's first speaker of the year! Join New York Times and USA today bestselling
author Una McCormack to talk about science fiction writing,
TV tie-ins and her role in the editorial board of Gold SF. To give us an idea of numbers, you can get a free ticket on Eventbrite – or just turn up (no ticket necessary). |
2 Feb | Sunday | 3rd Week | Trinity | Discussion |
Collaborative storytelling discussion, Tentacular Vikings
takes a theme and runs with it as we all work together to write (or at least plan) a story.
Last year we started with a fortuitous cat and a prompt "The oceans rise to hide a gate" and
plotted a tale of exploration and discovery.
Previous stories have involved
a miners' strike on the surface of the sun,
Boom Sticks,
the St Giles' Fair's role in keeping freshers
from disappearing into parallel dimensions,
and finally an explanation for why we keep crashing on that dratted desert planet.
Oh yes, and tentacular Vikings. |
9 Feb | Sunday | 4th Week | Wadham | 7pm Quiz | Oxford Geek Quiz run by the Board Games Society. This meeting will start at 7pm in Wadham College's Okinaga Room. |
16 Feb | Sunday | 5th Week | Trinity | Discussion | Travel Log Archetype. We will discuss books/movies that involve characters going on a quest from point A to point B (Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, The Last of Us, so many others...). What are the main plot points (and their subversions)? What makes these stories good? Come discuss. |
23 Feb | Sunday | 6th Week | Trinity | Discussion | Tolkien Society joint event. Joined by the Tolkien Society, we will discuss how Tolkien's influence shaped fantasy, and how he's become a frame through which people often approach folkloric tropes in fantasy (e.g. the way his version of elves and dwarves have been reworked since). |
2 Mar | Sunday | 7th Week | Trinity | Discussion | WhoSoc joint event. We are going to watch an episode of Doctor Who, followed by a discussion. |
9 Mar | Sunday | 8th Week | Trinity | AGM + movie | We are going elect a new committee (please plan your coup). Followed by watching one of the winning movies from Desert Planet movies! |
In addition, we will be having a weekly creative writing group meeting, starting on Saturday of 1st Week (25th January). See Discord for details.