OUSFG Committee (2013-14)
- President
- Jonathan Hall <jonathan.hall at wadh.ox.ac.uk>
- Secretary
- Alethea Hutchison <alethea.hutchison at some.ox.ac.uk>
- Treasurer
- Miriam Backens <miriam.backens at merton.ox.ac.uk>
- Librarians
- Whitney Dickson and Matthew Lloyd <matthew.lloyd at merton.ox.ac.uk>
- Video Representative
- Patrick Garvey <patrick.garvey at balliol.ox.ac.uk>
- Speaker to Animals
- Matthew Lloyd <matthew.lloyd at merton.ox.ac.uk>
- Ghost in the Machine
- Tim Adye <T.J.Adye@rl.ac.uk>
Non-committee titles
- Beard
- Ellie
- Invisible
- Evil Buffy (Cynthia)
- Dead Hand of the Past
- Peter
- Living Foot of the Future
- To be decided. Ellie and Ernest held this post 2012-13.
- Chief of Special Projects / Tea Maker
- Matt
- Minion of Special Projects
- Cynthia
- The Haggard One
- Tim
- Evil Doctor Tim
- Lyndsey
- Bugbear Prodder
- Peter
- Bugbear Tender
- Ernest
- Miriam (maintains the hangar of vipers) and Cynthia (fends off raiders)
Non-constitutional titles
- Ambassador to Canada
- Whitney
- Ambassador to celebrities
- Cynthia
- Regolith
- Ryan
- Ambassador to Mars
- Thea
- Watcher of OUSFG
- Matt
- Watcher of the Watcher
- Whitney
"Flying Chaucer"
http://users.ox.ac.uk/~ousfg/people/committee-12-13.html last
modified 17th January 2014 by Tim Adye, <T.J.Adye@rl.ac.uk>