OUSFG Committee (1996-7)
- President
Rhiannon `Allegedly' Barber
Corpus Christi College
email: Auden <sarah-rhiannon.barber@corpus-christi.oxford.ac.uk>
- Secretary and Video Rep
Matt `Punt Hero' Marcus
Magdalen College
email: Locksmith <ma96001@sable.ox.ac.uk>
- Treasurer
Ian `Has anyone seen him lately?' Snell
Oriel College
email: <orie0194@sable.ox.ac.uk>
- Librarian
Duncan `Did I really say I wanted all these books?' Martin
email: <duncan.martin@christ-church.oxford.ac.uk>
- Newsletter Editor
Rhiannon `The Return' Barber
Corpus Christi College
email: Auden <sarah-rhiannon.barber@corpus-christi.oxford.ac.uk>
- SFinx Editor
Rhiannon `Not Again' Barber
Corpus Christi College
email: Auden <sarah-rhiannon.barber@corpus-christi.oxford.ac.uk>
- Invisible OUSFG
Duncan `Piniata' Martin
email: <duncan.martin@christ-church.oxford.ac.uk>
Hanbury `Sir Not Appearing in this Film' Hampden-Turner
Balliol College
- Beard of OUSFG
Tanaqui `What happened to spontaneity?' Weaver
email: Tanaqui <cen@ecs.ox.ac.uk>
Tim Adye
I am not on the committee, but can be contacted if you have
any comments, suggestions, or questions about these web pages;
or if you are unable to contact any of the committee directly.