My research focuses on the role of intracellular calcium in synaptic plasticity and the mechanisms of action of presynaptic (or prejunctional) autoreceptors.
A list of my internationally peer reviewed papers is available, as is a list of published abstracts.
For those less concerned with bandwidth, you may wish to view my publication gallery.
Picospritzing ATP onto smooth muscle cells in the mouse bladder causes rapid increases in Ca2+ concentration in nearby cells - an optical method to monitor cellular coupling - S. Kobayter.
Simultaneous Ca2+ imaging and electrophysiology in the rat anococcygeus - R. Amos
Neuroeffector Ca2+ Transients in smooth muscle
cells during nerve stimulation
Calcium increases in sympathetic varicosities (sympathetic
postganglionic terminal) during and following trains of action potentials
Calcium in presynaptic boutons (sympathetic preganglionic
terminal) in the rat superior cervical ganglion.
Calcium in the chick ciliary ganglion calyciform terminal
(parasympathetic preganglionic terminal) following a single action potential.
I have institutional web pages at the University of Birmingham and Christ Church College.
Email: Keith Brain