Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the University of Canberra

I am very pleased to say that I will be Distinguished Visiting Fellow with the News and Media Research Center at the University of Canberra during June and July 2024.

While there I will work on our Rise of Mistrust project.

As part of the fellowship, I will also complete the following activities (with more likely to be added):

  • 19-24 June - 74th Annual ICA Conference (Gold Coast) presentations:

    • “That’s Not the Reality”: Fake News and Misrepresentation From the Perspective of Marginalized and Underserved Audiences in the Global North and South - Amy A. Ross Arguedas; Sayan Banerjee; Camila Mont’Alverne; Benjamin Toff; Richard Fletcher; Rasmus Kleis Nielsen

    • Ritual Reinforcement: How Habit, Emotion, and Identity Shape Trust in News - Amy A. Ross Arguedas; Sumitra Badrinathan; Camila Mont’Alverne; Benjamin Toff; Richard Fletcher; Rasmus Kleis Nielsen

    • Understand Climate Policy Response: How Media, Trust, and Emotion Explain Public Support and Action Skepticsm - Waqas Ejaz; Lea C. Hellmueller; Richard Fletcher

  • 24-25 June - 74th Annual ICA Conference (Gold Coast) postconference on News Industries: Funding Innovations and Futures

  • 8-10 July - Discovery Project: The Rise of Mistrust research workshops

  • 11 July - N&MRC Masterclass: Practical advice on conducting comparative cross-country surveys in the social sciences

  • 12 July - QUT seminar: Title TBD

  • 17 July - N&MRC Seminar: Title TBD

Please do get in touch with me if you’re based in Australia and are interested in adding something to this list.
