Mysticism and Mystical Theology Series
Liasing with Routledge we set up a new series that explores Mystical Theology:
The series is continuing under Taylor and Francis - we currently have 4 new volumes published and 3 in press.
are delight that two collections of essays, which grew out of
papers given at our 2012 conference, have been published as the first
two volumes of this series in
2013, a further volume, containing essays from the conference in
Dublin, was published in 2015. Other volumes in the series also cover
important areas of mysticism. For details of the volumes click the
links below.
Books Already Published Exploring Lost Dimensions in Christian Mysticism: Opening to the Mystical

Christian Mysticism and Incarnational Theology: Between Transcendence and Immanence

Mysticism in the French Tradition: Eruptions from France

This volume contains papers that began life in our Mystical Theology Conference in Dublin 2013.
Mystical Anthropology: Authors from the Low Countries

Mystical Theology and Continental Philosophy: Interchange in the Wake of God

Renewing the Christian Contemplative Tradition: Mystical Theology and Contemporary Spiritual Practice

*New Volumes*
Books in Press:
Art and Mysticism: Interfaces in the Medieval and Modern Periods

Mystical Doctrines of Deification

We are looking for new proposals, both monographs and edited collections for the series.
- Please contact Louise Nelstrop louise.nelstrop@theology.ox.ac.uk in the first instance.