The Eckhart Society
will be hosting its annual conference September 14th to 16th 2018 on
the theme of Wellness and Vulnerability. For more details see their
https://www.eckhartsociety.org/events/eckhart-society-conference Vocalising the Ineffable: Language and Creativity in Nicholas of Cusa – a Conference for Young Scholars in Hildesheim, Germany, from Sep 27 to Sep 30, 2018. For more details see their website:https://vocalisingtheineffable.wordpress.com/ Conference Down Town / Down Soul: Early Modern Mysticism and the Political, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, on Wednesday 13 and Thursday 14 June 2018. For more information see their website: http://wp.titusbrandsmainstituut.nl/eng/?page_id=1801 The IRSE organises annual conferences and events in the area of mysticim in relation to their seminar on mysticism and mystics (Mystique et Figures mystiques), and their website features discussions of theology by a number of leading academics. They host a blog in French Spirituality (SSCS) holds regular conferences, most recently in 2017 at University of Zürich, Kappel, Switzerland. |