Photograph of Giovanni Capoccia





Recent talks 
and lectures

Working papers





Crest of Oxford University

Media (selection)

Media inquiries: European and US politics; democracy and extremism; populism.

Interview Publico (Portugal), 8 July 2024 (Outcome of the French legislative elections and scenarios for France and Europe)   pdf

BBC News Interview, Top of the hour, 10 June 2024  (Early legislative elections in France)  

Interview Dan Tri (Vietnam), 10 June 2024 (Macron, Le Pen and the future of France and the EU)     pdf

Panel speaker, WDR-Europaforum 2024, Berlin, 28 May 2024 (Radical right parties and the EU)    Video

Interview El Pais (Spain), 5 May 2024 (Commonalities and difference between European radical right parties). Spanish. English. .

Interview Der Spiegel (Germany), 26 February 2024 (How to contrast the AfD)  English

Interview El Pais (Spain), 20 June 2023 (The rightward shift of European electorates and the Spanish elections)  Spanish  English 

Interview Zing News (Vietnam), 8 April 2023 (Social unrest in France)

Interview ":La Voce di New York", 21 March 2023, (Consequences of Brexit for UK academia)

"Liberty and responsibility" webinar "Can Liberal Democracies Defend Themselves from Internal Challenges?", with  Amichai Magen, Jan Werner Mueller, Mike Signer, and Daniel Ziblatt, 9 March 2023

Interview Zing News (Vietnam), 6 March 2023 (The politics of pension reform in France)

Interview, Quality of Government podcast, 26 October 2022, The Quality of Government Institute at the University of Gothenburg (Crisis of liberal democracy; responses to illiberalism and backsliding)

Interview Financial Times, 21 October 2022 (new Italian government)  pdf

Interview El Pais, 2 October 2022 (radical right parties and radicalization of the mainstream right in Western democracies)    pdf-front page   pdf-1   pdf-2

Interview, International Risk Podcast, 27 September 2022 (Italian general elections and the victory of the right)

BBC News interview ("The Context"), 26 September 2022 (Italian general elections and the victory of the right) 

Interview Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, ("Day 6"), 24 September 2022 (Italian general elections)

Webinar, Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies, "Italy goes to the polls: What will it mean for the EU?", 22 September 2022

Interview El Pais (Spain), 12 June 2022 (National-populist parties in liberal democracies) pdf-p1 pdf-p2

Interview Zing News (Vietnam), 7 May 2022 (French politics after Macron's victory)

Interview Zing News (Vietnam), 23 April 2022 (French Presidential elections)

TV Interview RAI (Italian State Television), 6 December 2021 (European Politics and Russia)

Interview with The National (Edinburgh), 7 November 2021 (MP accountability in the UK)

TV Interview ANews, 18 March 2021 (US policy towards Russia)

TV Interview RAI (Italian State Television), 21 February 2021 (New Italian government and relations with the US)

TV Interview ANews, 20 January 2021 (prospects and challenges for the Biden administration)

TV Interview ANews, 7 January 2021 (riots at the US Capitol)

TV Interview ANews, 29 December 2020 (Brexit and UK trade policy)

TV Interview ANews, 29 November 2020 (US foreign policy)

TV Interview ANews, 3 November 2020 (US Presidential elections)

TV Interview ANews, 23 October 2020 (US Presidential campaign)

Interview, Aspen Institute Italy (Rome), June 2020 (Covid-19 and executive power)

Interview with News 1 South Korea (Seoul), November 2019 (populism and parliament reform)

Interview with Polskieradio (Warsaw), February 2018 (Italian elections and populist politics)

Interview with Infobae (Buenos Aires), June 2017 (UK elections)

Interview with Expresso (Lisbon), June 2017 (Brexit and UK politics)

Interview with To Vima (Athens), June 2016 (Italian politics)

Interview with La Voce di New York, December 2015 (terrorism and counter-terrorism)

Kurzportraet (short portrait) in the University of Heidelberg alumni magazine, 2/2014   (English)   

Interview with Toronto Star, February 2013 (Italian politics and the rise of populism)

Interview with Gulan Media (Baghdad), January 2013 (democracy and political  pluralism)

Interview with Gulan Media (Baghdad), October 2011 (counter-terrorism)

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