- 23 April 1997. MARC and Rare Book Librarians. The next in this successful series of meetings. Afternoon session. Library Association HQ, London. Details from Brian Hillyard, National Library of Scotland, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1 1EW. Tel: 0131 226 4531 Fax: 0131 220 6662 E-mail:
- 28 June 1997. Under One UmbrelLA 4. Rare Books Group AGM, and shared session. Details to be announced.
- 10-12th September 1997. Twentieth Century Books - The Annual Study Conference at the University of Edinburgh.
Other Events
17th March 1997. Manchester Bibliographical Society. Eddie Newcombe, 'Dickens Through Others' Eyes'. Committee Room, Manchester University Library, Oxford Road, Manchester.
18th March 1997. Friends of the Bodleian. David Trim, 'The Renaissance Man and the Reformation: Sir Thomas Bodley and the International Protestant Cause in the Reign of Elizabeth I'. 1pm. Sheldonian Theatre. Enq: Secretary, Friends of the Bodleian, Bodleian Library, Oxford, OX1 3BG.
18th March 1997. Bibliographical Society. Philip Harris, 'Sic transit... the British Museum Library, 1753-1973'. 5:30pm. Gustave Tuck Theatre, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1M 6BT. Enq: David Pearson, Wellcome Institute, London.
18th March 1997. York Bibliographical Society. Maurice Kirk, '"This Mischievous Booby": The Rev Mr Malthus and the Essay'. 8pm. Black Swan Peasholme Green, York. Enq: Chris Weston.
6-9th April 1997. The Institute of Paper Conservation. Fourth International Conference. Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London. Enq: Conference Secretariat, IPC International Conference, Index Communications Meeting Services, P.O. Box 79, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 0ZH.
15th April 1997. Bibliographical Society. Roy Shipperbottam, 'Eighteenth Century Cookery Books'. 5:30pm. Gustave Tuck Theatre, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1M 6BT. Enq: David Pearson, Wellcome Institute, London.
16th April 1997. Edinburgh Bibliographical Society. Dr Leo de Freitas, 'The Making of the Alice Illustrations'. 5:30pm. National Library of Scotland. Enq: Dr. M.C.T. Simpson, c/o Special Collections, Edinburgh University Library, George Square, Edinburgh, EH8 9LJ.
17th April 1997. Oxford Bibliographical Society. Visit to The Hope and Arkell Libraries, University Museum. 2:15pm. Members are requested to inform the Secretary of the Society, Marjory Szurko, Keble College, Oxford, OX1 3PG
21st April 1997. Manchester Bibliographical Society. Christopher Hunt, 'Collecting Books About Australia'. Deansgate Building, Manchester University Library, Oxford Road, Manchester.
23rd April 1997. Oxford Bibliographical Society. AGM - Speaker: Margaret Dent, 'The remaking of a Fifteenth Century anthology'. 3:00pm. Cecil Jackson Room, The Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford. Enq: Marjory Szurko, Keble College, Oxford, OX1 3PG
6th May 1997. Imprint Society of Reading. John Pilling, 'Edward Corey: A Writer Who Draws'. 8pm. Department of Typography and Graphic Communication, University of Reading. Enq: David Knott, The Library, University of Reading, Whiteknights, Reading. Tel: 0118 931 8787
6th May 1997. Lyell Lectures. Professor Robert Darnton. 5pm. St Cross Building, Manor Road, Oxford OX1 3UQ.
7th May 1997. Printing Historical Society. Peter Foden, 'Printing for the Oxford University Press: Oxford books made in Oxford?'. 6.30pm. St. Bride Printing Library, Bride Lane, Fleet Street, London.
8th May 1997. Lyell Lectures. Professor Robert Darnton. 5pm. St Cross Building, Manor Road, Oxford OX1 3UQ.
12th May 1997. Manchester Bibliographical Society. AGM followed by Jane Hudson, 'The Retrospective Conversion of the Deansgate Catalogues'. Committee Room, Manchester University Library, Oxford Road, Manchester.
12th May 1997. Sanders Lectures. Professor G.T. Tanselle. 5pm. Mill Lane Lecture Rooms, Cambridge.
13th May 1997. Lyell Lectures. Professor Robert Darnton. 5pm. St Cross Building, Manor Road, Oxford OX1 3UQ.
14th May 1997. Sanders Lectures. Professor G.T. Tanselle. 5pm. Mill Lane Lecture Rooms, Cambridge.
15th May 1997. Friends of the Bodleian. The Rev. Prof. Michael Screech, 'An Attempt to Pass off a Forged Rabelais'. 1pm. Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford. Enq: Secretary Friends of the Bodleian, Bodleian Library, Oxford, OX1 3BG.
15th May 1997. Lyell Lectures. Professor Robert Darnton. 5pm. St Cross Building, Manor Road, Oxford OX1 3UQ.
16th May 1997. Sanders Lectures. Professor G.T. Tanselle. 5pm. Mill Lane Lecture Rooms, Cambridge.
20th May 1997. Lyell Lectures. Professor Robert Darnton. 5pm. St Cross Building, Manor Road, Oxford OX1 3UQ.
20th May 1997. Bibliographical Society. Esther Potter, 'The Bookbindings of Benjamin West'. 5:30pm. Gustave Tuck Theatre, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1M 6BT. Enq: David Pearson, Wellcome Institute, London.
28th May 1997. Friends of the Bodleian. Martin Maw, 'The Conservative Party Archives in the Bodleian Library'. 1pm. Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford. Enq: Secretary Friends of the Bodleian, Bodleian Library, Oxford, OX1 3BG.
7th June 1997. Edinburgh Bibliographical Society. Visit to Bowhill Selkirk. Enq: Dr. M.C.T. Simpson, c/o Special Collections, Edinburgh University Library, George Square, Edinburgh, EH8 9LJ.
4th June 1997. Cambridge Bibliographical Society. AGM and visit to Newnham College, Cambridge. Enq: P.M. Jones, Librarian, King's College, Cambridge.
24th June 1997. Cambridge Bibliographical Society. Visit to Norwich Cathedral Library. Enq: P.M. Jones, Librarian, King's College, Cambridge.
24th June 1997. Friends of the Bodleian. AGM followed by Baron Jenkins of Hillhead, (Title to be Announced). 3pm. Sheldonian Theatre. Enq: Secretary, Friends of the Bodleian, Bodleian Library, Oxford, OX1 3BG.
28th June 1997. Bibliographical Society. Visit to the Library of Sir John Soame's Museum, London'. Enq: David Pearson, Wellcome Institute, London.
3-6th July 1997. Society of Bookbinders Biennial Conference. St. Aidan's College, Durham. Enq: Dr Martin Luff. e-mail:
4-7th July 1997. Fifth Annual Conference of the Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing. Cambridge Enq: The Acting Secretary, SHARP Conference Programme Committee.
14th July 1997. Oxford Bibliographical Society. Visit to the National Art Library. 2pm. Enq: Marjory Szurko, Keble College, Oxford, OX1 3PG.
15-17th July 1997. Fifteenth Annual Seminar on the History of the Provincial Book Trade. Darwin College, University of Kent at Canterbury. Enq: Peter Isaac.
15th October 1997. Printing Historical Society. Simon Brett, 'The uses of wood-engraving'. 6:30pm. St. Bride Printing Library, Bride Lane, Fleet Street, London.
26th November 1997. Printing Historical Society. Esther Potter, 'The evolution of publishers' bookbindings'. 6:30pm. St. Bride Printing Library, Bride Lane, Fleet Street, London.
For inclusion in this list contact Gaye Morgan
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