- To be a focal point within the Library Association and the profession at large for matters relating to rare books and special collections, and to promote the importance of such collections;
- To bring together librarians and others responsible for such collections, and to liaise with other groups active in adjacent areas;
- To promote the study and exploitation of rare books;
- To foster awareness of the preservation and conservation issues involved in the maintenance and display of such collections;
- To gather and disseminate information about rare book holdings and current aquisition policies.
- To monitor and contribute to developments in the field of rare book librarianship, including cataloguing, conservation and collection management, both in the United Kingdom and internationally through IFLA and other appropriate bodies.
- To promote good relations with the book trade in the interest of rare book libraries and librarians.
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The Rare Books Group was formed in 1966, and members at 31 December 1994 numbered 1228. Since 1967 the aim to gather and disseminate information about holdings and aquisitions has been exemplified by the Group's major co-operative effort to map the holdings of rare books and special collections throughout the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland. This project culminated in 1985 with the publication of The Directory of Rare Books and Special Collections. and the second edition is to be published by Library Association Publishing in 1997, edited by Barry Bloomfield.
There are usually three meetings a year, typically consisting of a talk and accompanying exhibition or library visit. In addition the Group normally organizes a summer study conference on an aspect of rare book librarianship, and sometimes arranges an extended visit to libraries of particular interest.
The Group's tri-annual Newsletter is distributed to members of the Group, and by subscription to other interested individuals and institutions. As well as articles, news and reviews, it includes the text of many of the papers read at the Group's meetings.
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- A.J.C. Bainton MA ALA (Vice Chair)
- B.C. Bloomfield MA FLA
- S.J.Dodgson MA ALA (Hon Sec and Group Councillor)
- J.P. Feather MA BLitt, PhD, FLA (Chair)
- B.P. Hillyard MA DPhil
- S.M. Hingley MA ALA
- J.G. Morgan MA
- R. Ovendon MA
- D.R.S. Pearson MA ALA
- C. Sargent MA ALA
- M.C.T. Simpson MA PhD ALA
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The Newsletteris available to non-members for a subcription of sixteen pounds sterling in the UK and Europe, and twenty-two pounds sterling outside Eurpoe. Subscription enquiries (with cheques made payable to the Library Association Rare Books Group) should be sent to Dr M.C. Simpson at New College Library, Mound Place, Edinburgh EH1 2LU. Tel: (0131) 650 8956. Email:
Material for inclusion, books for review and general and advertising enquiries should be sent to the Newsletter's editor Richard Ovendon at Department of Printed Books, National Library of Scotland, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1EW. Tel: (0131) 226 4531 ext. 2512. Fax: (0131) 220 6662. Email:
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