- ‘Parking in
the Shade’ (letter), The Times, 20 May 1972, 15
- ‘Applause
in Church’ (letter, with Arnold Mallinson), The Times, 28
March 1973, 19
- (as Robert Dugdale) ‘A
Book Girls Read’, review of M[ichael] J. Lane and K[atie] A.
Furness-Lane, Books Girls Read: A Survey of Reading Habits Carried
out in a Comprehensive School for Girls, the report of a survey
conducted by the Society of Young Publishers (London, 1967: Society of
Young Publishers), Inprint, April 1976, 3–4
- ‘The Economics
of Size’, The Times Literary Supplement, 15 September 1978,
- (unattributed co-editor) Alan Ryan (ed.), The Idea of
Freedom: Essays in Honour of Isaiah Berlin (Oxford, 1979: Oxford
University Press)
- ‘Council Help
with Trees’ (letter), Oxford Times, 19 September 1980, 10
- Contribution (entitled on this website ‘Academics and
Word-Processing’) to ‘Viewpoint’ column, The Times Literary
Supplement, 26 December 1980, 1464
- (unattributed ed.) E. Clerihew Bentley, The Complete Clerihews of E. Clerihew
Bentley (Oxford, 1981: Oxford University Press), pp. xxii + 145
- ‘Box of Data’
(letter), London Review of Books, 17 December 1981 – 20 January
1982, 4
- (unattributed ed.) E. Clerihew Bentley and others, The First Clerihews (Oxford, 1982:
Oxford University Press), pp. xxviii + 59 [as 54 leaves]: see
Publisher’s Foreword, pp. vii–viii
- ‘Public Lending
Right’ (letter), The Times, 26 August 1982, 9
- (unattributed ed.) Peter Medawar, Pluto’s Republic, incorporating The
Art of the Soluble and Induction and
Intuition in Scientific Thought (Oxford, 1982: Oxford University
Press), pp. x + 351
- ‘Portrait of
a Lady’ (letter), The Times Literary Supplement, 9
1983, 961
- ‘Sidelights’:
contribution to HH’s entry in Contemporary
Authors 113 (1985), 220–1; revised in New Revision Series 47
- (ed.) Arnold Mallinson, Under the Blue Hood: A
Hotchpotch 1923–1985 (Oxford, 1986: Robert Dugdale), pp.
xviii + 332; includes ‘Editor’s
Appendix: [Thomas] Rawlins’s Literary Works’, 167–8
- ‘Spreading
Doubt’ (letter), The Times, 2 October 1991, 17
- ‘Tests Stump
Adults’ (letter), The Times, 7 December 1992, 15
- ‘Tyndale’s
Use of “It” and “Hym” ’ (letter), Independent, 6 October
1994, 17
- ‘Quite
Contrary’ (letter), The Times, 27 January 1997, 23
- ‘Further to
your Letters’ (letter), The Times, 10 July 1997, 23
- ‘Beef on the
Bone’ (letter), The Times, 18 December 1997, 21
- ‘Kripke’s Ideas’
(letter), The Times Literary Supplement, 16 March 2001, 17
- ‘Any Final Say in
War of Words?’, review of Andrew Malcolm, The Remedy, The
Times Higher Education Supplement, 30 March 2001
- ‘Fair
Dealing’ (letter), The Times Literary Supplement, 20 April
2001, 19
- ‘A Curate’s Egg’
(letter), The Times Literary Supplement, 20 April 2001, 19
- ‘
“Schlick-Teasing” Queen of Oxford’, review of Mary Warnock, A
Memoir: People and Places, The Times Higher Education Supplement,
6 April 2001, 29
- ‘An aimless wander
on fertile ground fails to sort the Mills and Boon romancer from
philosopher’, review of Peter J. Conradi, Iris Murdoch: A Life,
The Times Higher Education Supplement, 15 February 2002, 24–5
- ‘Academic
Copyright’ (letter), The Times Literary Supplement, 29
2002, 17
- ‘The Great
Online Robbery’ (letter), The Times Literary Supplement, 11
October 2002, 17
- ‘Trying to Put a
Value on Virtue’, review of Philippa Foot, Moral Dilemmas
and Virtues
and Vices, The Times Higher Education Supplement, 11 April
2003, 31
- Tunes: Collected Musical
Juvenilia (Oxford, 2003: Robert Dugdale), pp. xii + 80; also
available as a CD
- ‘It Pays to See the
Pig’s Perspective’, review of David E. Cooper, The Measure of
Things: Humanism, Humility, and Mystery, The Times Higher
Education Supplement, 26 September 2003, 28
- ‘Copyright
Laws’ (letter), The Times Literary Supplement, 14 November
2003, 17
- ‘Varieties of
Religious Fudge’ (letter), The Times Literary Supplement,
February 2004, 17
- ‘Religions
Old and New’ (letter), Spectator, 27 March 2004, 34
- ‘Kingsley Amis
and Depression’ (letter), The Times Literary Supplement,
21 May 2004, 6
- ‘Kingsley Amis’s
Depression’ (letter), The Times Literary Supplement, 4 June
2004, 17
- ‘Crimes Against
Kant’s Genius’, review of Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, trans.
Norman Kemp Smith, with a new introduction by Howard Caygill, and
Kemp Smith, A Commentary to Kant’s
‘Critique of Pure Reason’, with a new introduction by Sebastian
Gardner, The Times Higher Education Supplement, 28 May 2004, Textbook Guide, viii
- ‘Tom Stoppard on
the Role of the Artist’ (report on ‘Drawing on
the Wall of Plato’s Cave’, Tom Stoppard’s
Isaiah Berlin Lecture at Wolfson College, Oxford, 10 June 2004); also
published as ‘The
Isaiah Berlin Lecture 2004’, [Wolfson] College
Record 2003–2004, 66–7
- ‘To Edit or not
to Edit’ (letter), Oxford
No 230 (second Week, Michaelmas Term 2004), 11
- ‘Upbeat Views to
Hoot About’, review of Mary Midgley, The Owl of Minerva: A Memoir,
The Times Higher Education Supplement, 7 April 2006, 24
- ‘Dig Deep for
the Nuggets to Spark the Gold Rush’, review of the first five books
in Continuum’s ‘Key Concepts in Philosophy’ series,
The Times Higher Education Supplement, 26 May 2006, Textbook Guide, xviii–xix
- ‘Epiphany from
review of David E. Cooper, A
Philosophy of Gardens,
The Times Higher Education Supplement, 20 October 2006, 27
- In conversation with John Gray and Beata Polanowska-Sygulska, ‘Histeria moraliona naszych czasów i mity świeckiego humanizmu’ [‘The Moral Hysteria of Our Time and the Myths of Secular Humanism’], Przegląd Polityczny, 2007 no. 82, 128–35, no. 83, 94–100, no. 84, 74–80
- ‘Saul Kripke’ (letter), The Times Literary Supplement,
28 March 2014, 6
- ‘Maurice Bowra on Patrick Leigh Fermor’ (including Bowra’s poem ‘On the Coast of Terra Fermor’), Spectator, 17/24 December 2014, 76–7