Teaching Portfolio

Below, there's detailed information on the courses I've taught at the University of Oxford, University of Cambridge and the University of Manchester.

Structure and Varieties of French

Course Coordinator, Lecturer, Tutor (2016-Present), University of Oxford

Lecturing and offering tutorials across a range of topics within contemporary French phonetics, phonology, morphology and syntax and varieties of French (both Metropolitan and across the world).

History of the French Language

Tutor (2016-Present), University of Oxford

Offering tutorials on the history of French. Topics covered include diphthongisation, lenition, changes in syllable structure, changes to unstressed vowels, the plural system, definite and indefinite articles, word order and commentaries on a range of Old, Middle, Classical and Renaissance French texts.

Translation from French

Tutor (2016-Present), University of Oxford

Teaching prose and verse translation from French to English to first year students at Christ Church, drawing on a range of 18th, 19th and 20th century fiction and non-fiction.

French Vocabulary

Tutor (2016-Present), University of Oxford

Leading classes to help students consolidate their French vocabulary across a range of topics.

History of English

Supervisor (2015-16), University of Cambridge

Final year paper taught within Modern and Medieval Languages, Linguistics and English. Small group and seminar-style teaching on variation in contemporary English, English corpus linguistics, close-reading of texts and formal diachronic English phonology, morphology and syntax.


Supervisor (2015-16), University of Cambridge

Final year Linguistics Tripos paper and final year paper for Modern and Medieval Languages students. Small group teaching on Extended Standard Theory, Barriers, Government and Binding Theory, Early Minimalism, Probe-Goal Minimalism and Cartography. Topics covered include empty categories, movement phenomena, DP-structure, linearisation, Parameter Theory, Binding Theory and Phrase Structure.

Minimalist Syntax

Course Coordinator (2013-14), University of Manchester

Final year paper taught through 24 hours of lecture teaching and 6 hours of seminar teaching. Topics covered from the perspective of Government and Binding Theory and Minimalism included phrase structure, null arguments, linearisation, Binding Theory, movement, cartography and Phase Theory. Responsible for syllabus design, all lectures and seminars, assessment and examining.

The Romance Languages

Lecturer/Examiner (2013-14), Supervisor (2012-15), University of Cambridge

Fourth year and MPhil paper taught within the Modern and Medieval Languages degree. Small group teaching on a range of topics within comparative Romance phonology, morphology, syntax and lexis, both from a synchronic and diachronic perspective. Lecturing on changes in word order from Latin to Romance, reorganisation of the Tense, Aspect, Mood system and changes in the Information Structure-syntax interface.

Historical Linguistics

Lecturer/Supervisor (2014-15), University of Cambridge

Lecturing on a variety of topics within historical morphosyntax. Small group teachng covering historical phonology, grammaticalisation, historical syntax, historical linguistics methodology, reconstruction and morphological change.

History and Varieties of English

Supervisor (2013-15), University of Cambridge

First year paper taught within the Linguistics and Modern and Medieval Languages degrees. Seminar teaching on both synchronic and diachronic topics within English phonology, morphology and syntax.

Structure and Varieties of Italian

Supervisor (2012-13), University of Cambridge

Second year paper taught within the Modern and Medieval Languages degree. Small group teaching topics in Italo-Romance phonology, morphology, syntax and lexis.

Structures and Meanings

Supervisor (2012-13), University of Cambridge

First year paper taught within the Linguistics degree. Introducing students to basic syntactic theory. Seminar teaching on topics including Phrase Structure Rules, X-Bar Theory, Binding Theory, Head Movement, Wh-Movement and parametric variation.