
Our mission

`The worst part is not knowing...'

- Bitten's story

- Your stories

National conversation on lost and found pet registers

Microchips and the responsible cat owner

- About microchips

- Why microchip?



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Councils get scanning

Neil Finegan of Pet Concepts created a petition to the Government to force local councils to scan cats found dead in the road and contact the owner if a microchip is found. The Government has now responded – wholly inadequately. Read their response here and write to your MP. You can use this as a template.

Nikki Powditch has a similar petition:

A law needs to be passed to ensure that :-

Any persons or authority collecting, finding, treating or removing pet animals from the roads, highways, streets and railways - dead, injured or alive - must scan the animal for a microchip and inform the owners BEFORE the animal is incinerated, re-homed or otherwise disposed of.

Please help make a difference.

Not knowing the fate of your pet can destroy your life and pets are incinerated or dumped every day without ever being checked for a microchip.

Read Nikki's story – any cat lover will sympathise – and sign her petition online or download from Dog Theft Action

(click through Jester's Law)

You can also voice your concerns about local council scanning policies on the My Moggy site.