Oxford University Club Cricket Club

2003 Season

Fixtures and Results

Played 14, Won 12, Lost 2

Date        Fixture                    Result                             

11/05/03   at Brightwell cum sottwell    3 wicket win     Scorecard   Report
18/05/03   at Shipton under Wychwood     rained off                         
25/05/03   at (St John's) vs Rhodes XI   16 run loss      Scorecard   Report
01/06/03   vs Pacific C.C.               loss by x wicketsScorecard   Report
08/06/03   at Stanton st johns Willows   cancelled                          
15/06/03   at Chalgrove (2.30)           win by 10 wicketsScorecard   Report
21/06/03   vs Gallagher XI               win by 10 wicketsScorecard   Report
22/06/03   vs Oxenford                   cancelled                          
29/06/03   vs OB's                       win by 30 runs   Scorecard   Report
06/07/03   vs  Moreton C.C.              win by 69 runs   Scorecard   Report
11/07/03 - 13/07/03  World Cup.          won by Australia                   
20/07/03   vs Kings school               win by 91 runs   Scorecard   Report
27/07/03   at  Abingdon vale (2.30)      cancelled                          
03/08/03   vs Invitation XI              win by 4 runs    Scorecard   Report
10/08/03   at Oxenford                   win by 153 runs  Scorecard   Report
17/08/03   vs Eynsham                    win by 10 wicketsScorecard   Report
24/08/03   at Merton vs Uni Offices      win by 62 runs   Scorecard   Report
31/08/03   at Oxfordshire County Council win by 4 wickets Scorecard   Report
07/08/03   vs Bristol Academicals        win by 96 runs   Scorecard   Report

Partnership Records

   W   Batsmen                              Date        Fixture                R   

1st James Watson and Quentin Williams      20/7        Kings School            325*
2nd Quetin Williams and Jeremy Chalk       10/8        Oxenford                 78 
3rd Quentin Williams and Jason Wenderoth    1/6        Pacific                  66 
4th Sam Dean and Matt Hardy                 7/9        Bristol Academical      125*
5th Matt Benson and Martin Booth            1/6        Pacific                  53 
6th Quentin Williams and Sam Dean           6/7        Moreton                  46 
7th Matt Benson and Sam Dean                3/8        Invitation XI            31 
8th Julian Swartz and Chris Bumby          25/5        Rhodes XI                 7 
9th Stanton Smith and Jonty Horner          3/8        Invitation XI            26*
10th Sam Dean and Chris Bumby               6/7        Moreton                  28 

Highest Scores

Batsman            Date        Fixture                    R  

Quentin Williams   20/6        Kings School              146* 
James Watson       20/6        Kings School              140* 
Quentin Williams   10/8        Oxenford                  107* 
Sam Dean           7/9         Bristol Academical         97* 
Quentin Williams   17/8        Eynsham                    91* 
Mike Price         17/8        Eynsham                    81* 
Quentin Williams   1/6         Pacific CC                 66  
Sam Dean           6/7         Moreton                    56  
Mike Price         31/8        Oxfordshire CC             50* 
Mike Price         21/6        Gallagher XI               50* 
Martin Booth       21/6        Gallagher XI               50* 
Ashram Batra       24/7        University Offices         50  

Batting Averages

Batsman            Ave         R       I       NO        HS      50      100

Quentin Williams   112.00      560     9       4         146*    2       2
James Watson       104.00      208     4       2         140*    0       1
Ashram Batra       63.00       63      3       2         50      0       0
Mike Price         55.00       220     7       3         81*     3       0
Chris Bumby        42.00       42      4       3         23*     0       0
Sam Dean           39.40       197     6       1         97*     2       0
Jason Wenderoth    30.60       153     6       1         42*     0       0
Martin Booth       29.67       89      5       2         50*     1       0
Matt Benson        27.33       82      5       2         39*     0       0
Jeremy Chalk       25.25       101     4       0         48      0       0
Tony McNally       11.00       33      3       0         23      0       0
Animitra Deb       9.50        57      6       0         19      0       0
Avinash Rao        5.33        16      3       0         10      0       0
Julian Swartz      4.67        14      4       1         11      0       0

Minimum of 3 innings required.
George Kalangy     46.00       46      1       0         46      0       0
Jozef Dudek        41.00       41      1       0         41      0       0
Matt Hardy         36.00       36      2       1         36*     0       0
Sean Terry         26.00       26      2       1         22*     0       0
Thomas Scriba      25.00       25      2       1         21      0       0
Richard Greenwood  24.00       48      2       0         30      0       0
Charles Wroth      14.00       14      1       0         14      0       0
Anurag Abinashi    12.00       24      2       0         17      0       0
Jamie Wood         10.00       10      1       0         10      0       0
Ketwaloo           8.00        8       1       0         8       0       0
Adam Neil          7.00        7       1       0         7       0       0
Jeremy Taylor      2.50        5       2       0         4       0       0
Prashant Sadarangan2.00        2       2       1         2       0       0
Richard Clarke     1.00        1       1       0         1       0       0
Chakera            1.00        2       2       0         2       0       0
Wiesner Woss       0.00        0       1       0         0       0       0
Dave Frame         0.00        0       1       0         0       0       0
Gareth Morgan      0.00        0       1       0         0       0       0
Stanton Smith      N/A         9       1       1         9*      0       0
Pete Kelly         N/A         3       1       1         3*      0       0

Best Bowling

Bowler          Date        Fixture                    W-R

Chris Bumby     6/7         Moreton                   6-33
Jason Wenderoth 29/6        OBs                       5-21
Sam Dean        17/8        Eynsham                   5-35
Sam Dean        15/6        Chalgrove                  4-6
Animitra Deb    24/8        University Offices        4-18
Jason Wenderoth 20/6        Kings School              4-35
Martin Booth    1/6         Pacific CC                4-42

Bowling Averages

Bowler             Ave         O       M       R         W       BB      3W      5W      SR      ER   

Matt Hardy         8.00        15      2       40        5       3-30    1       0       18.00   2.67
Sam Dean           9.48        60.5    18      237       25      5-35    4       1       14.52   3.92
Chris Bumby        9.76        49      5       205       21      6-33    4       1       14.00   4.18
Jason Wenderoth    9.92        35.66   3       119       12      5-21    1       1       17.83   3.34
Matt Benson        13.29       29.6667 1       93        7       2-14    0       0       25.43   3.13
Pete Kelly         15.75       18      3       63        4       2-15    0       0       27.00   3.50
Animitra Deb       15.80       41.5    5       158       10      4-18    1       0       24.90   3.81
Mandar             16.00       17      0       64        4       2-20    0       0       25.50   3.76
Martin Booth       22.57       34      1       158       7       4-42    1       0       29.14   4.65
Mike Price         25.50       41      9       102       4       2-21    0       0       61.50   2.49

Minimum of 15 overs required
Aaron Shakera      0.00        2       2       0         1       1-0     0       0       12.00   0.00
George Kalangy     2.00        2.33    1       2         1       1-2     0       0       13.98   0.86
Boswell            2.00        0.5     0       2         1       0-16    0       0       3.00    4.00
Phil Shields       4.33        4       0       13        3       3-13    1       0       8.00    3.25
James Watson       5.60        14      2       28        5       3-17    1       0       16.80   2.00
Jeremy Taylor      5.75        6.833   1       23        4       2-10    0       0       10.25   3.37
Thomas Scriba      9.00        13      2       45        5       2-7     0       0       15.60   3.46
Ashram Batra       10.25       9       0       41        4       3-15    1       0       13.50   4.56
Stanton Smith      10.67       10      2       32        3       3-28    1       0       20.00   3.20
Richard Greenwood  14.00       14      5       28        2       2-15    0       0       42.00   2.00
Jamie Wood         17.00       2       0       17        1       1-17    0       0       12.00   8.50
Wiesner Woss       20.50       13      4       41        2       2-18    0       0       39.00   3.15
Gareth Morgan      21.00       4       0       21        1       1-10    0       0       24.00   5.25
Julian Swartz      41.00       8       0       41        1       1-10    0       0       48.00   5.13
Tony McNally       44.50       14      0       89        2       2-30    0       0       42.00   6.36
Isaac Westwood     49.00       14      0       98        2       0-11    0       0       42.00   7.00
Quentin Williams   N/A         1       0       10        0       0-10    0       0       N/A     10.00
Prashant SadaranganN/A         0.5     0       11        0       0-11    0       0       N/A     22.00
Lee Barker         N/A         5       0       17        0       0-17    0       0       N/A     3.40
Ketwaloo           N/A         1       0       5         0       0-5     0       0       N/A     5.00
Anurag Abinashi    N/A         7       1       42        0       0-42    0       0       N/A     6.00
Das                N/A         10      1       56        0       0-16    0       0       N/A     5.60
Charles Wroth      N/A         1       0       11        0       0-11    0       0       N/A     11.00
Chakera            N/A         2       0       15        0       0-15    0       0       N/A     7.50

If you have any comments about these pages, please email Sam Dean (sdean@atm.ox.ac.uk).