Oxford University Speculative Fiction Group

New: Trinity 1998 termcard and new-style OUSFG web welcome page (give it a go and let me know what you think).

This page lists material provided by members of the Oxford University Speculative Fiction Group.


About Science Fiction


If you want more information on OUSFG, please contact the President, Duncan Martin (at Christ Church or duncan.martin@christ-church.oxford.ac.uk), or Secretary, Eleanor Joslin (at St John's College or eleanor.joslin@sjc.ox.ac.uk).

Please contact me at T.J.Adye@rl.ac.uk if you want to add anything to these pages. God forbid, however, that we ever put Zool III here!

Thanks to our hosts, the Oxford University Particle and Nuclear Physics sub-department, for providing a physical home for our private (sub-microscopic) cyberspace.

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Tim Adye, <T.J.Adye@rl.ac.uk>