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Click on the names to see pictures and pay particular attention to the feet positioning.
Moa Sogi (Close Stance) Weight Distribution - 50:50 Leading Leg - Neither Stand with feet together |
Narani Sogi (Parallel Stance) Weight Distribution - 50:50 Leading Leg - Neither Feet parallel |
Annun Sogi (Sitting Stance) Weight Distribution - 50:50 Leading Leg - Neither Feet parallel |
Dwit Bal Sogi (Rear Foot Stance) Weight Distribution - 90:10 (90% on the rear leg) Leading Leg - Rear leg Front foot points 25° inward Rear foot points 15° outward |
Soojik Sogi (Vertical Stance) Weight Distribution - 60:40 (60% on the rear leg) Leading Leg - Rear leg Toes of both feet point 15° inward |
Niunja Sogi (L-Stance) Weight Distribution - 70:30 (70% on the rear leg) Leading Leg - Rear leg Toes of both feet point 15° inward |
Gojung Sogi (Fixed Stance) Weight Distribution - 50:50 Leading Leg - Front leg Toes of both feet point 15° inward |
Gunnun Sogi (Walking Stance) Weight Distribution - 50:50 Leading Leg - Front leg Front foot points forward Rear foot points 25° outward |
Nachuo Sogi (Low Stance) Weight Distribution - 50:50 Leading Leg - Front leg Similar to Gunnun Sogi (Walking Stance), but longer by one foot |
Kyocha Sogi (X-Stance)
Weight Distribution - Almost all the weight on the balancing leg
Leading Leg - The leg carrying the weight
Guburyo Junbi Sogi A (Bending Ready Stance Type A)
Weight Distribution - 100:0
Leading Leg - The leg carrying the weight