Old Norse Myth: Introductory Bibliography

  a Swedish Viking-age amulet


Margaret Clunies Ross, Prolonged Echoes, vol. 1. Odense, 1994.
Ursula Dronke, The Poetic Edda. vol. II. Oxford, 1997.
Einar Haugen, ed. Gods of the Ancient Norsemen.Berkeley and London,  1973.
Jenny Jochens, Women in Old Norse Myth. Cornell, 1996.
Carolyne Larrington, tr. The Poetic Edda (introduction). Oxford, 1996.
John Lindow, "Mythology and Mythography" in C. Clover and J. Lindow, Old Norse-Icelandic Literature. A Critical Guide. Islandica 45. Ithaca and London, 1985. 21-67.
J. McKinnell, Both One and Many: Essays on Change and Variety in Late Norse Heathenism, Philologia, Rome, (1994).
Ray Page, Norse Myth. London, 1990.
Rudolf Simek, Dictionary of Northern Mythology. Cambridge, 1993.
Gabriel Turville-Petre, Myth and Religion of the North. London, 1964.
Jan de Vries, Altgermanische Religionsgeschichte. 3rd ed. Berlin, 1970.

Other studies

Clunies Ross, Margaret 'Why Ska?i Laughed. Comic Seriousness in an Old Norse Mythic Narrative' Maal og Minne 1989, 1-14.
Harris, Joseph "Eddic Poetry" in Clover and Lindow, Old Norse-Icelandic Literature. A Critical Guide. Islandica 45. Ithaca and London, 1985.68-156.
Kragerud, Alv, 'De mytologiske spørsmål i Fåvnesmål', ANF 96 (1981), 9-48.
Larrington, Carolyne, 'Cosmic History, Cosmic Geography', in Acker and Larrington eds, Mythological Poems of the Edda: A Casebook, Garland, forthcoming.
Lindow, John, 'Bloodfeud and Scandinavian Mythology', Alvíssmál 4, 1994, pp. 51-68.
Quinn, Judy in Acker and Larrington eds, Mythological Poems of the Edda: A Casebook, Garland, forthcoming.
Steinsland, Gro, Det hellige bryllup og norrøn kongeideologi. Oslo, 1991.

Links to individual Eddic mythological poem bibliographies:

Skírnismál reading list

Völundarkvida reading list

Völuspá reading list

Hávamál reading list

Lokasenna and Hárbardsljód reading list

Thrymskvida reading list

Vafthrúdnismál and Grímnismál reading list

Baldrs Draumar and Hyndluljód reading list