Ernest Bramah
Born E.B. Smith in 1867. Died 1942.
(At the moment, I give the titles, contents, years of first
hardback and paperback publication, publisher, and the ISBN where I
have it (mostly I don't -- my editions are too old). Occasionally I
add a comment or two.
Short Stories
The Wallet of Kai Lung
- with an introduction by Grant Richards (The Richards Press, 1900.
Published by Penguin Books, 1936)
- Contents:
- I. The Transmutation of Ling
- II. The Story of Yung Chang
- III. The Probation of Sen Heng
- IV. The Experiment of the Mandarin Chan Hung
- V. The Confession of Kai Lung
- VI. The Vengeance of Tung Fel
- VII. The Career of the Charitable Quen-Ki-Tong --
- First Period: The Public Official
- Second Period: The Temple Builder
- VIII. The Vision of Yin, the Son of Yat Huang
- IX. The Ill-Regulated Destiny of Kin Yen, the Picture-Maker
Max Carrados (Methuen,
- Contents:
- The Coin of Dionysius
- The Knight's Cross Signal Problem
- The Tragedy at Brookbend Cottage
- The Clever Mrs. Straithwaite
- The Last Exploit of Harry the Actor
- The Tilling Shaw Mystery
- The Comedy at Fountain Cottage
- The Game Played in the Dark
Kai Lung's Golden
Hours - with a preface by Hillaire Belloc (The Richards Press, 1922.
Published by Penguin Books, 1938)
- Contents:
- I. The Encountering of Six Within a
- II. The Inexorable Justice of the Mandarin Shan Tien
- The Story of Wong Ts'in and the Willow Plate Embellishment
- III. The Degraded Persistence of the Effete Ming-Shu
- The Story of Ning, the Captive God, and the Dreams that Mark His
- IV. The Inopportune Behaviour of the Covetous Li-Loe
- The Story of Wong Pao and the Minstrel
- V. The Timely Intervention of the Mandarin Shan Tien's Lucky
- The Story of Lao Ting and the Luminous Insect
- VI. The High-Minded Strategy of the Amiable Hwa-Mei
- The Story of Weng Cho; Or, The One Devoid of Name
- VII. Not Concerned With Any Particular Attribute of Those Who Are
- The Story of Wang Ho and the Burial Robe
- VIII. The Timely Disputation Among Those of an Inner Chamber of
- The Story of Chang Tao, Melodious Vision, and the Dragon
- IX. The Propitious Dissension Between Two Whose General
Attributes Have Already Been Sufficiently Described
- The Story of Yuen Yan, of the Barber Chou-hu, and of His Wife,
- X. The Incredible Obtuseness of Those Who Had Opposed the
Virtuous Kai Lung
- The Story of Hien and the Chief Examiner
- XI. Of Which It Is Written: "In Shallow Water Dragons
Become the Laughing-Stock of Shrimps"
- XII. The Out-Passing Into a State of Assured Felicity of the
Much- Enduring Two with Whom These Printed Leaves Have Chiefly Been
- The Story of the Loyalty of Ten-teh, the Fisherman
The Eyes of Max
Carrados (Grant Richards, 1923)
- Contents:
- The Virginiola Fraud
- The Disappearance of Marie Severe
- The Secret of Dunstan's Tower
- The Mystery of the Poisoned Dish of Mushrooms
- The Ghost of Massingham Mansions
- The Missing Actress Sensation
- The Ingenious Mr. Spinola
- The Kingsmouth Spy Case
- The Eastern Mystery
The Specimen Case
(Hodder & Stoughton, 1924)
- Contents:
- Ming Tseuen and the Emergency
- The Delicate Case of Mlle. Celestine Bon
- The Dead March
- A Very Black Business
- The Bunch of Violets
- Revolution
- Smothered in Corpses
- Fate and a Family Council
- Lucretia and the Horse-Doctor
- The War Hawks
- The Great Hockington Find
- Hautepierre's Star
- The Goose and the Golden Egg
- The Making of Marianna
- Bobbie and Poetic Justice
- The Heart of the Pagan
- Once in a Blue Moon
- The Marquise Ring
- The `Dragon' of Swafton
- The Dream of William Elgood
- From a London Balcony
Max Carrados Mysteries
(Hodder & Stoughton, 1927)
- Contents:
- The Secret of Headlam Height
- The Mystery of the Vanished Petition Crown
- The Holloway Flat Tragedy
- The Curious Circumstances of the Two Left Shoes
- The Ingenious Mind of Mr. Rigby Lacksome
- The Crime at the House in Culver Street
- The Strange Case of Cyril Bycourt
- The Missing Witness Sensation
Kai Lung Unrolls His
Mat (The Richards Press, 1928. Published by Penguin Books, 1937)
- Contents:
- Part I. The Protecting Ancestors
- I. The Malignity of the Depraved Ming-shu Rears Its Offensive
- II. The Difficult Progression of the Virtuous Kai Lung Assumes a
Concrete Form
- The Story of Wan and the Remarkable Shrub
- III. The Further Continuance of Kai Lung's Quest and His
Opportune Encounter With an Outlaw Band, All Ignorant of the Classical
Examples of the Past
- The Story of Wong Tsoi and the Merchant Teen King's Thumb
- IV. At the Extremity of His Resource the Continent Kai Lung
Encounters One Who Leads the Unaffected Life
- The Story of Tong So, the Averter of Calamities
- V. The Meeting by the Way with the Warrier of Chi-U, and What
Emerged Therefrom
- The Story of Lin Ho and the Treasure of Fang-tso
- VI. The Ambigous Face upon the One Found in a Wood and the
Effete Ming-shu's Dilemma
- VII. The Concave-Witted Li-Loe's Insatiable Craving Serves a
Meritorious End and Two (Who Shall Be Nameless) Are Led Towards a
- VIII. In Which the Position of the Estimable Kai Lung Is Such That
He Must Either Go Up or Down
- IX. Wherein the Footsteps of the Two Who Have Induced These
Printed Leaves Assume a Homeward Bend
- The Story of Kin Weng and the Miraculous Tusk
- Part II. The Great Sky Lantern
- X. How Kai Lung Sought to Discourage One Who Did Not Gain His
- The Story of the Philosopher Kuo Tsun and of his Daughter,
Peerless Chou
- Part III. The Bringer of Good News
- XI. Whereby the Angle at Which Events Present Themselves May Be
- The Story of Ching-kwei and the Destinies
Short Stories of To-day
and Yesterday - with an introduction by F. H. P. (Harrap, 1929)
- Reprints four stories from Kai Lung's Golden Hours, three from
Max Carrados Mysteries, and four from The Specimen Case
- Hien and the Chief Examiner
- Wong Pao and the Minstrel
- Chang Tao, Melodious Vision and the Dragon
- Wong T'sin and the Willow Plate Embellishment
- The Secret of Headlam Height
- The Curious Circumstances of the Two Left Shoes
- The Missing Actress Sensation
- The Delicate Case of Mlle. Celestine Bon
- A Very Black Business
- Smothered in Corpses
- The Goose and the Golden Egg
The Moon of Much Gladness,
Related by Kai Lung (Cassell and Company, Ltd., 1932) - a.k.a. The
Return of Kai Lung
- I know nothing more about this.
The Kai Lung Omnibus
(London: Philip Allen (Quality Press, Ltd), September 1936)
- Contains three complete Kai Lung books:
- The Wallet of Kai Lung
- Kai Lung Unrolls His Mat
- Kai Lung's Golden Hours
Kai Lung Beneath the
Mulberry Tree (The Richards Press, 1940)
- Contents:
- The Story of Prince Ying, Virtuous Mei, and the Pursuit of
- The Three Recorded Judgments of Prince Ying, from the Inscribed
Scroll of Mou Tao, The Beggar
- The Ignoble Alliance of Lin T'sing with the Outlaw Fang Wang, and
How It Affected the Destinies
- The Story of Yin Ho, Hoa-mi, and the Magician
- The Story of Ton Hi, Precious Gem and the Incospicuous Elephant
- The Story of Sam-tso, the Family Called Wong, and the Willing
- The Story of Saho Chi, the No-longer Merchant Ng Hon, and the
Docile Linnets
- The Story of the Poet Lao Ping, Chun Shin's Daughter Fa, and the
Fighting Crickets
The Celestial Omnibus
- with an introduction by John Connell (John Baker (Publishers) Ltd. for
The Richards Press, 1963)
- Contents:
- The Transmutation of Ling
- The Vengeance of Tung Fel
- The Encountering of Six Within a Wood
- The Inexorable Justice of the Mandarin Shan Tien
- The Out-Passing into a State of Assured Felicity
- The High-Minded Strategy of the Amiable Hwa-Mei
- The Malignity of the Depraved Ming Shu
- Whereby the Angle at Which Events Present Themselves May Be Varied
- The Story of Prince Ying
- The Story of the Poet Lao Ping
Best Max Carrados
Detective Stories - selected and with an introduction by E. F. Bleiler
(New York: Dover Publications, 1972; ISBN 0-486-20064-7)
- Reprints four stories from Max Carrados, four stories from
The Eyes of Max Carrados, and two from Max Carrados
- The Coin of Dionysius
- The Knight's Cross Signal Problem
- The Tragedy at Brookbend Cottage
- The Last Exploit of Harry the Actor
- The Disappearance of Marie Severe
- The Mystery of the Poisoned Dish of Mushrooms
- The Ghost of Massingham Mansions
- The Ingenious Mr. Spinola
- The Mystery of the Vanished Petition Crown
- The Holloway Flat Tragedy
- Kai Lung: Six - with an introduction by William White (Tacoma:
The Non-Profit Press, 1974)
- Contents:
- The Story of Lam-Hoo and the Reward of Merit
- The Story of Chung Pun and the Miraculous Peacocks
- The Story of Yeun Yang and the Empty Soo-Shong Chest
- The Story of Sing Tsung and the Exponent of Dark Magic
- The Story Kwey Chao and the Grateful Song Bird
- The Story Li Pao, Lucky Star and the Intruding Stranger
English Farming and Why I
Turned It Up (The Leadenhall Press, 1894)
- Autobiographical first book.
A Handbook for Writers and
Artists: A Practical Guide to the Press and to Literary and Artistic
Publications (Charles Wilson Deacon, 1898)
- "By a London Editor". This entry appeared in The
British Library General Catalogue of Printed Books to 1975, Vol
305 (London, Muenchen, Paris, 1985) on page 285, identifying the
London Editor as E. B. Smith.
The Mirror of Kong Ho
(Chapman & Hall, 1905)
- A young Chinese boy's supposed letters from London to his father
back home, which Bramah said was "found amusing by those who
admit they cannot stand Kai Lung."
What Might Have Been: The
Story of a Social War (Nelson, 1907) - a.k.a. The Secret Of The
- A novel - "an earnest, reactionary, and fiercely illiberal
political treatise about the future"(John Connell)
A Guide to the Varieties
and Rarity of English Regal Copper Coins, Charles II-Victoria,
1671-1860 (Methuen, 1929)
A Little Flutter
(Cassell, 1930)
- Nonsense about the last surviving Patagonian Groo-Groo.
The Bravo of London
(Cassell, 1934)
See also: