
I am interested in how pheromones evolve and in particular the
parallels between chemical communication in invertebrates and in
vertebrates. One of the intriguing things is the way that some small
molecules occur in a number of insects and vertebrates (Kelly
1996; Wyatt 2014); for example
variations of the terpene brevicomin are used by male house mice
and some bark beetle species (Novotny
2003), and the Asian elephant female pheromone, (Z)-7-dodecen-
1-yl acetate is a component of the female pheromone blend of some
140 species of moth (above), and the Asian male elephant’s
pheromone frontalin is also used by some bark beetles (Rasmussen
et al. 2003). The use of the same molecules may reflect some
constraints on the number of low molecular weight molecules that
are volatile, stable and relatively non-toxic. Animals also share
a common ancestry and thus their biochemical pathways, which will
also shape the range of molecules available for evolution to act
I would be happy to explore hosting visiting researchers bringing
their own funding to complete a writing project, on sabbatical for
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